Ice Tanking Assault and Battery

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Underdogs_A_Hero, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Underdogs_A_Hero Active Player


    I gave it another try this evening (putting my ego at stake!) and solo tanked it just fine! Though we did wipe a time or two because of the damn manhunters, I was stoked to complete it!
  2. Ice Lantern New Player

    Wow, there are still people who think Dom affects aggro?
  3. Raptor T. Committed Player

    Dominance does NOT affect aggro at all.

    Dominance generally affects Crowd Controlling.

    The TAUNT affects aggro.

    Dominance =/= taunt

    OR basically....

    CC =/= taunt
  4. Avian Dedicated Player

    This has probably been said before, but there is nothing that you can do about Hank charging someone. It's a set mechanic like when General Lex teleports to someone in Nexus.

    Problems like these occour because people think they are experts on roles that they have never played before. Then there are those who have been carried through the content in that role yet their mere presence has been irrelevant.

    It's just something you will have to learn to deal with, you can't cure stupid.
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  5. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    lol ^^
  6. ZeroFive New Player

    Frost snipe. Single target aggro grab. Second troll needs to be prepared to help with manhunters as Hank will do this every time.
  7. Redmash New Player

    OP, hey man your stats are on point. Once you hit CR103 your resto will be fine too. The best thing about ICe is you are able to tank A&B way before CR103. I tanked it as ice and its a piece of cake. My only piece of advice is be very careful w Storm pull, it can bring Manhunters along with Hank. I always keep Personal Dampering Fields on standby just for emergencies. Use Frost Snipe on Hank. ICE TANKING FTW (love my ice tanks)
  8. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    Amen, so healers i know it's impossible but could you please try to heal the stupidity of the community and save those angels.
  9. Underdogs_A_Hero Active Player

    Yea I learned that the hard way. I storm pulled Hank on my second run thinking that the manhunters were stunned and I got three on me with a charging Hank! (Doh!) Wish I could say it turned out well, made me feel like I was CR 10 :)