Ice tank toughness

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Vulmyss, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    So I just turned ice tank and something weird happened. I wore full pvp armor and activated ice skill and looked at my stats. My defense was gone, and only toughness was there, albeit high. When I wore pve armor both stats stayed and defense rose. My question is: when I wear pvp gear and activate a skill, will it only protect me against player damage, or will it protect me from both types of damage?
  2. Sumeric New Player

    As an ice tank, activating your powers will increase your defense and toughness by 90%. That being said...

    Your shields will still mitigate any incoming damage equal to the combined amount of your dominance and restoration, but while wearing pvp armor, you will not fully benefit from the additional 90% defense increase from using your powers because pvp armor has no defense stat.

    The same is true in reverse. If you are wearing pve armor, your shields will stop damage equal to your resto + dom, but you will not fully benefit from the 90% increase in toughness because pve armor has no toughness stat.

    So in short, yes you can stop some damage, but if you want to do your best at mitigating npc damage, wear pve gear, and if you want to do your best at mitigating player damage, wear pvp gear.

    Side note, if you ever see both defense and toughness in your stats at the same time, its either because you are wearing a mix of the two types of gear or you've increased your base defense and toughness through the placement of skill points.
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