I went elec for a night

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Eminence, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Had to remake this thread.
    I healed the other night with only three powers on my loadout.
    wired invig (sc) and electroburst.
    played 5 premades and lost 1

  2. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I understand where you're going with this, trust me I feel the same, but this power is different. Pvp is about counters, everything and anything effective should have a counter to it. Well the only counter I can think of is trying not to stay close, but that results into less damage/pressure when you are worried about your placement, which just ends up being pointless. You can't stop anyone from using wired or spamming electros, so I think there really isn't a counter to this.

    Placement and Pi
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  3. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    There is one counter: Berserk.

    The only issue is that once the SC runs out, it's going to be very difficult to kill anyone regardless.
  4. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    A smart team now a days can live through or counter Beserk. It isn't the auto god mode kill like it was upon release. Competent teams have learned what it looks like when the Rage player hits it and nullify the threat till it passes.
  5. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Trust me, good players can also counter knowing that the other team have seen it cast. I pop it, I use outrage and at least one player on the other team will block (unless they want to absorb the combo). I will catch the blockbreak and I have a free cast of outrage & clipped with retch I can fit in a two tap hold with ma (this is obviously nerfed in the next GU, but the Outrage part still stands). Players naturally adjust to knowing that I almost never miss a BB opportunity, at which point I just use outrage. If people start blocking again, I will happily catch more block breaks. It's all about understanding the psychology of players, what goes through their mind through a game and how their thinking pattern changes. I will pressure people into mistakes and I will capitalise on this, thanks to outrage this is very easy.

    Obviously it isn't just me doing DPS, there will also be another DPS which when combined is more than enough to burst someone through electroburst.
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  6. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Apologies Clutch I responded hastily without pointing out I am referring to 5v5.
  7. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    As was I ;) 5v5 it is incredibly easy to land counters and with berserk active, it's even more damage combined with free casts of outrage.
  8. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    hehe...you might be that good but there aren't 5 Clutch's on the other team. A smart team will find the non-Clutch player and capitalize xD. Not to mention "nullifying the Berserker threat" doesn't involve just blocking. You can CC them to hell and back. And we all know how wonderful CC is right now :p. You can also spread out for 8 seconds then regroup. Berserk isn't doing much at that point.
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  9. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    That is my point though, with any other DPS powerset even with blockbreaks I wouldn't be able to burst someone down against a good premade. With rage however, berserk enables me with at the very least a chance to do this as well as putting pressure on other players through the AOE damage.

    I take the same standpoint with balance here as I do with legends, it should always be balanced based on what you can achieve when utilising powersets at 100% efficiency. Rage is above and beyond the other powersets when it comes to the current arena meta as a DPS powerset when played very well by someone who can counter on reaction.
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  10. Black Prime New Player

    Lol, why are you two that play together on this thread talking about RAGE when he asked for thoughts on electric? Go back to yoir legends threads and post dodge like ya do. Anyway, yes electric in PVP is a bit op with the heals you get from electroburst. The reason its op you ask? Well it heal like a crit heal should. None of the other heal powers have that right now. After the update everything might change, but might be worse. Since all AOE damage is basically going to hit 2 for full amount and split after that. I think we will be back to the who can get one kill in the match. After update if you get focused sticking together more to keep aoe damage low will be the way to go. If electroburst is not toned down a bit then no one dies. Weapons alone do not kill in good pvp matches. Its the focus fire followed by a 35%. If you run 5v5 and get focused the closer you get the less burst damage will be going off. Good luck getting people to that 35% mark. Electrics heal will have time to kick in and boom full heal.

    As hard as it is now to deal with electric healing, think how much worse it will be after update. I kinda feel pvp is getting nerfed with this update.
  11. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    He stated there were no counters, I responded saying there was one counter albeit a limited one. I then was explaining to brice why it was a counter so he could understand.

    Perhaps you should actually read the thread.

    Edit: dodge.
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  12. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I do usually lose when teams zerk me, been only a couple occasions. I am no healer, but going elec for a few nights helped me understand my role as a troll just that much more.

    Dodge is very rarely used on ps, besides the "acro twerk". But now seeing it in action by you and slob, I might have to do more of it myself.
  13. Black Prime New Player

    Using a sc that puts people in god mode is not a counter. Thats a exploit. After update we will see how strong it will be when things split more as they should. Dodge is fun to do in legends. Dodge would not work for a healer in pvp. Dodge is no where near as good as the double jump. Dodge does not help you kite. Legends is different from arenas.
  14. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Dodge is being used by almost all the competitive healers atm. They just twerk around the pocket so electroburst still works. Double jumping, like many people know, can get you killed with an elec healer.
  15. Black Prime New Player

    Lol, all that rolling crap will possibly be gone after update. Those moves cost power and double jump helps with kiting and can get a bit of power back. Not sure why not more threads about this, but the troll recharges are around 2 seconds now. So power dumps will happen half as much and the small pot trolls already get will make those acro moves a waste of power.
  16. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Dodge does help you to bait out block breaks, it makes all finishers do 0 damage.

    You can also apply dodge with 0 chance of a counter utilising the tumbling master mod, which will make a wide range of superpowers/attacks miss compeletely and do 0 damage. As eminence said it is used in scrimmages with experienced teams.

    I think it is actually you who isn't as knowledgeable as they claim, perhaps if you stopped being so ignorant you may learn.
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  17. Black Prime New Player

    The game will change in the next 30 days so everything we all do now might not carry over to the revamped dcuo.
  18. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    What's that got to do with discussion regarding the current meta?

    Regarding spreading out, that's fine by me I will just burst down the healer. I will pressure the healer into making a mistake 90% of the time, whether it's BBing them or just slipping in outrage. You also won't CC me throughout the whole duration, CC at most makes you breakout 2-3 times over a couple of seconds. You can clip berserk with a trinket if you want to be safe.

    I never said the counter was blocking, I was saying that I can pressure people into blocks using it. If they don't, outrage will still land.
  19. Black Prime New Player

    You are both talking today. I am looking to the future. I understand what dodge is and has uses, but those uses will die down a bit when people waste their power rolling around. And when i say future i mean within the next few weeks. The reason, and maybe its just a ps3 issue, but when you do run 4's or 5's you sometimes cant see people. They are invisible. I am not sure if this happens on pc, but the ps3/4 servers happens all the time. I just dont see a use for a dodge when sometimes you can even see the person. Waste of power. Maybe down the road when everyone is on ps4 it might be more reasonable.
  20. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    This does not happen on the PC unless the PC player is playing on a ancient machine or lags out. Standard comp and standard internet though, no disappearing acts to be seen.