I want my male toon to be able to wear "female clothes"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Supremo BR, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Alex Denton Dedicated Player

    I got to say, I love this scene. And I love how the employee is so unimpressed, she's awesome ^^

    But back to the topic : I understand why seeing superman dressed in supergirl's costume isn't gonna happen soon because it's a huge issue and many other changes need to happen first. That being said, I want my female toons to wear the male version of the paramilitary style, because it looks a lot more practical. I have issues with some of the redesigns of the styles depending of the genders. So without getting into the crossdressing thing (And I would be the first to try a miniskirts on my male toons, for the heck of it ^^) a lot of the male/female styles are actually pretty neutral (to go back to the paramilitary style, both versions are interchangeable) and we should be able to switch between them at will.
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  2. GCA-FF New Player

    Me personally, heck no, but I know people who would w/o questioning it just for giggles...
  3. myselfdestruct New Player

    I like you.
  4. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    Muscled arms need to show off their guns.
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  5. Minnion Devoted Player

    The point is the distinction between the male and female styles in DCUO is obtain arbitrary... Take the Paramility style for instance:


    Yeah giving male characters the option of wearing a style based on the female variant of paramilitary is totally going to make them look like a cross-dresser.:rolleyes:
    What's different?
    Female variant gets an armored tank top with pouches around the midsection... (Almost like a bulletproof vest...)
    Female variant gets what amounts to cargo pants...
    Female variant gets hockey knee-pads worn over knee high leather boots.(No heels)

    So yeah arbitrary gender differences has resulted in variants that some players want to see available for both genders simply because they would honestly work perfectly fine on both genders...

    Now as for players who honestly want to play a male character that cross dresses, your response should be take a deep breath and ask yourself one simple question: Why so serious?

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  6. DastardlyBadGuy Level 30

    I demand this style immediately, then......[IMG]
  7. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    I have to say that picture looks cool but imagine for comedy sake a muscular dude wearing a bra or have pigtails would liven the game up just for fun lol. Just like anime chars wearing whatever they want it would give players more uniqueness. We are a new generation of heroes/villains
  8. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    Well, if there is ever a concern about some people using hairstyles for deroative purposes, I think a safe one would be a samurai hairstyle. There are a few versions, they all involve ponytails. Some are tied up so the tail is short and above where you might normally see a pony tail on a girl. Some are tied up top, so it has a bun. Something similar to the hairstyle of the Mandarin in Iron Man 3. Googling "samurai hairstyle" can give a ton of pictures on the style, including some images where guys are bald with pony tails.
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