I think enough is enough already....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I seriously don't get how a bug like this can go on for so long w/o acknowledging it or even saying we are look in into it.

    The bug I'm talking about is the one when you go down and get K.O., and when a teammate revives you, you have to go through freaking obstacles and pressing your inventory then block or a combination of all just so you can drink a soda, or block or try to get out the way.

    This is annoying specially in elite, where you only get to revive once, or when you trying to go for a feat. I just don't get why this isn't addressed or fixed already?

    Please mepps or any green names out there, just need a answer to what is going on and of there's a fix for it. And please I don't want to hear it on your list but not on our top priority . Because it's been YEARS I mean by now you telling me it hasn't moved up on the list already??

    Lol this was such a frustrating rant, but it's pretty freaking annoying by now that there isn't a fix coming for it. Even if they told us, ok we sorry but we have no clue how to fix it, at least I'll be abit at ease because I know it's somethoin out of their hands. But I remember this since day 1, and it's getting on my last nerves
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  2. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

  3. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I have not experienced the bug described on PC. Does it only occur on PS?

    And while we're on that subject: Is the rolling bug only on PC/keyboard users where rolling backward sometimes results in rolling forward instead? I can press SHIFT + S and have it behave identically to SHIFT + W at times. This is especially awesome when trying to roll away from a boss's devastating AOE attack and instead I roll into said attack. Does the same happen when using a PS controller or Xbox controller?
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  4. Carp Developer

    This issue might have surfaced elsewhere, but I don't recall this ever coming up in front of me directly. Please forgive me, but I'll need a little bit more information; specifically this part:
    What exactly is happening after you accept the rally? And what would you expect to happen (or what would you rather happen)?

    Thanks in advance for any info you can provide!
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  5. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I think there taking about how you sometimes get stuck in block when you respawn.
  6. Carp Developer

    I can understand how that would be vexing. Does anyone know of a reliable way to get into this state? Like if you're blocking when you die, will you get stuck in block when you stand back up?

    Thanks again.
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I think what Stealthblue wrote above is correct. When you rally sometimes it's like the block button is pressing itself (but your character is not actually doing the block animation) and all you can do is roll around. The only way around it seems to be to mash as many buttons as possible to make it stop. Not sure what causes it or how to repro.
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  8. Ringz Dedicated Player

    My experience is on the ps4. After you accept a rally, your controller layout is all messed up. You try to move your character, you randomly roll. You try to press a action button, it does something different other than what you intend for it to do. The only way to to quickly make it go back to its regular configurations is by having to go to any of the main menus and shuffle around a bit, then once your back in action its fixed.

    This has been a thing since when I first started playing, so around when battle of earth was the latest dlc. It doesn't happen all the time, but from what I remember when playing it was guaranteed to happen at least once whenever you logged in dcuo, but when it happen was random.
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  9. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    That happened to me a few times
  10. Vesper Dedicated Player

    It's on PC too. At least for me. It doesn't happen every time or even most of the time, but it does happen. You die, rez, and now you have to roll around for a few seconds or go into the inventory screen to clear it.

    I play PC with an XBox controller if that helps. I never use the keyboard for anything but typing chat and entering numbers on Broker.
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  11. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Yep, it happens to me often, basically after pressing the rally button your character will act as if you were holding the block button even if you're not, you can't use the tray or your weapon all you can do is block or roll around. When it happens i'll spam the block button until it goes back to normal. Haven't tried to open the menu but i guess that could work too.
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  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I tap the block button or hit L1+R1, that usually pulls me out of it.
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  13. Carp Developer

    Thanks for the good notes, everyone; I appreciate it. I'll start taking a look to see if I can find anything. In the meantime, a few questions:

    1) Can anyone recall if how quickly you are rallied has any relationship to how often this bug happens. For example, has anyone noticed if this issue happens more frequently when you are rallied right away, compared to if you are rallied just before the timer expires?

    2) Has anyone ever had this happen after "fleeing"? Or does this only ever happen when someone rallies you?
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Nothing after fleeing, no.
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  15. Ringz Dedicated Player

    1.) It happens even after a good amount of time. I recall being in a Paradox run and after I gotten ko, I'd have a moment of rage(lol), then once I was cool I get up, then the whole messed up layout thing happen and I end up rolling accidentally causing me death again. Its a moment my leaguemates brings up alot.

    2.) This is also the case for fleeing. It happen not all the time, but enough times for me to remember during sessions of open world pvp/wars, during my time of playing dcuo.
  16. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Has not happened to me ever (PC). I usually do time when to revive to make sure there is no big hit or rezzing going on and then immediately hit 7 to pop a soder.
  17. Mazahs Loyal Player

    I've had it happen on a quick rez and when I was almost out...So both
    Never had it happen when fleeing. Essentially you have to open up inventory and close out to correct it.
    It has also happened on all content at all levels
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  18. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Only rez-rally for me. Never seen it when I flee back to the nearest rally point. Also, I've seen it in RwC Amusement Mile twice. Both times I was on my hero, fighting the clowns and cops by the Villain base. I died, someone nicely rezzed me, then I had to roll around like an idiot for a while until I got control back.
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  19. Exostorm Well-Known Player

    I can't say exactly how to copy this bug, but I can agree with everyone else that it usually happens after being picked up when you die. It's been an issue for years, and it's beyond frustrating.
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  20. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    It hasn't happened to me in a long time. I think lag might somehow come into play, because I've avoided instances recently when I'm lagging, but I could be wrong.

    If I'm right, both the client and server keep track of button presses. And somehow this glitch causes the two to get out of sync.

    If I remember correctly, I've also seen a version of the glitch where the game registers L2 as permanent pressed as well. That isn't as devastating though, because you could still use the left half of your tray (I think). Again, it's been a while since I've experienced these first have.

    Basically, the in game fixes just forced the client and server back on the same page. For example, you can't be blocking if you go into the menu. But it may also take using the bugged key in the menus for the key to resync.
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