I Still Want a Soloable PvE Legends

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mirai, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Something available at any level. Use an old map, that's fine. I could even see using the tutorial mission, with some adjustments. Something non-challenging to test out our Legends characters. It's hard to practice the abilities when you're under pressure in a PvP or team PvE scenario.

    I was hoping the new PvE Legends system would help me out, but it doesn't look like it will work out for me. In fact, it's probably worse than the PvP. At least in a large PvP group, I can just wing it, and others probably won't notice. Learning a character on the fly isn't going to work too well in a challenging team mission.

    I would love to play Legends more, but I feel I'll just be holding a team back if I try.
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  2. nohealhere New Player

    legends mode of newest t6 solo?
  3. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Only if it's available at all levels. (Well, actually, starting at the level when Legends becomes available.) Also, maybe a bit easier. It needs to be a training scenario.
  4. nohealhere New Player

    i personally never found it hard but maybe as a legend character it would be hard. i just think that would be a great place to train
  5. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Keep in mind that by T6 you are extremely used to all the combat tricks in the game. Not so much for a new player at level 6.
  6. nohealhere New Player

    true true. i have to remember that i do forget. lets see how about legends verison of that raven solo then. 6 bosses i think and it would be a good learning exp
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  7. Mirai Well-Known Player

    The one where you fight all the Titans in the Science Police HQ? I think that would be great.
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  8. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Put the Science Spire to good use. Make it a Legends PvE legends map. Make S.T.A.R labs a PvE legends map, Lex Corp Tower a PvE legends map. Open world instances as PvE Legends and various solo, duo, alerts, ops, and even raids. PvE Legends bounties. Example: Bane (a buffed NPC version) is turning East Gotham into a rubble pile. Select a Legends character to stop him. You can scatter Legend NPCs through out Gotham, Metropolis and any other locales in the game.
  9. Circe New Player

    Yeah, like why is Legends PVE just an event? They can do so much more with the idea.
  10. nohealhere New Player

    ya that place.