I know mounts are a big NONO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Masta, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Masta New Player

    I know mounts are a big NO NO, but would you be okay with small movement style additions to the game?

    For example, Surfboards (like silver surfer), Jetpacks, roller blades, mechanical legs, shapeshifting, or anything of sorts that doesn't necessarily make you go faster or translate as mounts, but at least give you some sort of a uniqueness when in movement mode.
    Kind of like how certain wing styles animate while in flight, we would have a Movement Style tab in our styles which would allow us to pick an animation for our movement mode.
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  2. JonnyD New Player

    They already have leg styles that look like mechanical legs. They could always just add styles that "look" like "mounts". Aka, leg/feet-style that ends with a hoverboard, roller blade, etc (though there are feet that look like roller-blade, but the blades don't actually roll when you move). It would be purely aesthetically and you would still be in your movement mode of choice. The screen can add some animation effects like you see in some current game styles (Rune styles, Metalo's Mawl shoulder smoke, Astral "star-ling" set, etc.). They already have a jetpack back, though it could use some animated FX to be more "jetpacky".

    I doubt anyone would have anything against that...it's just styles (not movement or anything else). If anything, just enhancing some of the existing styles will add a lot of this.
  3. Masta New Player

    But I wouldn't want to have to switch out my feet styles to have roller blades on. I want it to be on a separate tab. And this style would only activate once I'm in movement mode.

    I would only take out my surfboard once I get into flight.
  4. JonnyD New Player

    Okay, I can see some problems with your suggestion because a hoover board will work with most feet styles, but blades would be a lot harder since styles vary a lot in size and shape (we have enough clipping as it is). What they could do, I suppose, is add it as accessory, like they did with Auras. I understand that this may mean you will need to decide between an aura and a hoover board, but you still get to keep your feet/legs/etc, since it does sound like the hoover board would accessorize your look.

    They could come up with more things that universally fit most current game styles (aka, tripod?), but don't really add any advantages. They can also program the accessory to only be visible on movement mode, but I think it would be fun to be able to use it while still (though that's just me).
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  5. Poo New Player

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  6. Masta New Player