I guess I'll be "that guy." So, if Mepps could respond that would be great.

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Why so serious?, May 3, 2013.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Perfect. Thank you!
  2. Aiden Warren New Player

    I'll do it
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  3. Aiden Warren New Player

    Did it, but no, didnt get no power at all. i will do again and will keep recording.
  4. Aiden Warren New Player

    5 times now and still no, so the OP has to prove this other wise.
  5. Why so serious? New Player

    It has to be in your base with your sparring target. The permissions are with you and anyone you allow. Which is why you only recieve the power and your opponent doesn't.

    Like I said though, I will do it from my phone and upload it, so sorry for bad quality. (My TV looks like crap on my phone but in reality it isn't. :eek: projection screen tv's don't record very well from portable devices. :eek:)
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  6. Aiden Warren New Player

    Just use Fraps. I will PM u my License Key.
    And yea, I left Lair Battles, until it's my base lol.

    @ Mepps, I will give it a few more tries and keep recording.
  7. Why so serious? New Player

    I have my "own" license of fraps... Thanks to Google. ;) But onto another point, I'm a PS3 player. Maybe it doesn't work on PC and may only be a bug on the PS3? If that is the case then I will have to use my phone, unless you feel like mailing me some capture software to use temporarily. :D lol
  8. Why so serious? New Player

    @Mepps, I will have to do this tomorrow instead of when I intended to tonight like I said. I came down with some serious food poisoning from some undercooked fish. Soon as I'm well enough I'll get to recording it.
  9. Aiden Warren New Player

    you can't use a recorder for ps3?
  10. Why so serious? New Player

    I don't have one. Videos you see of PS3 players use third party hardware. The Dazzle is quite commonly used and I don't own one.
  11. Why so serious? New Player

    I have not been able to replicate this in the 30 minutes I had to play today, probably due to me not being in my base but in others' base that has the same theme as mine. I am unsure? I don't get to play very often and for very long and when I do I'm busy with the new T5 content and then go to bed and last nights episode with getting food poisoning. :(. So I'm sorry for the delay in getting the video for you to see.
  12. Destroyer New Player

    But my sparring target actually has a theme in my lair. :(
    Mine isn't even near any of the fight zones anyways, and I find that I rarely move from the areas we start in, 'less someone drops inferno or CoP.
  13. Why so serious? New Player

    I stuck mine in the front of my base so that I could use the broken targeting system to my advantage and then remembered that it also gives you power back in 1v1 lair battles when I was always being recharged by it and I remember reading about it on the old forums.

    If I can't get it replicated again since posting this, maybe it was silently fixed and not in any patch notes. Because it was working just fine and even a few weeks after I posted this thread and someone else in the thread tested it on PC servers. I don't have the time on most days and the time I had today I couldn't play for very long.
  14. Destroyer New Player

    Lol that post had a lot of typos x]
    You must've read it before I changed it.
    Anyways, yesterday I realized that the fights actually do move to that area. It's just that usually I either dominate or get dominated by someone in modded T4.
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Appears to be resolved. Please open a new thread if you can determine steps to reproduce.
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