I don't know if anyone noticed but.

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Roarak, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Roarak Well-Known Player

    Did anyone see that when they put on wings of any sort, they now move as if they are a part of you? when standing still? Instead of staying stiff. Now idk if that was something I just didn't notice but I find little things like that to be awesome!

    Now if only they could make tails do the same...

    Anyone else have something small they would like to change but would make a huge impact on you personally? like maybe boots that had a little rocket effect in them or something?

    Edit: forgot to mention that the wings slightly move when your standing still, not the part when flying or jumping
  2. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    I wish there was more fluidity in the hair and capes. My main toon has a trench coat, and the bottom only ever seems to move when I'm running or gliding (acrobat). I would like for hair and capes/trench coats to be able to move when standing still, as wind still has an effect on people whether or not you're moving in real life. I think it's cool how the Joker's rocket pack actually shows the flames coming out of it in flight, though. For the most part, the game's animation is pretty good.
  3. Zuse Loyal Player

    wait...so all the wing styles move now ? .......hhhhhhhhhmmmmmm ill have to check that out when i log in o_O
  4. Kroye Loyal Player

    I noticed that recently, but assumed it was only a new wing style I got. Cool, gald to hear they did that - I'll have to check the effect on more styles.
  5. Roarak Well-Known Player

    I saw someone with insectoid wings and you can defiantly tell those move.

    So true!, its like everyone has a plastic wig on lol, and the trench coat thing is weird too

    ive also seen the trenchcoat part stick to your legs with certain back pieces... weird. But yeah all in all the animations are pretty good

    I must confess i haven't checked all the wing styles, but i do know, insectoid and hawk wings both move in the idle stance. atleast in usps3 they do
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