I Don´t Believe In Leagues Anymore

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheBatDCAU, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. TheBatDCAU Level 30

    Don´t know, the league i was involved last time was small yes but somehow they just didn´t care only when it mattered for them to get their dailys everyone would group up and after that disband, like i said only a one time thing so i said to myself is that the kind of league i want to be a part of it? and then i realized they didn´t deserve me as a member cause if i´m only a tool for their ends than i rather not get involved at all.
  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yea that's a bad experience a good league will help everyone get what they need taken care of
    with in reason of course
    and the best part of playing a game such as this are the people you meet
    this game gets pretty stale playing by your self so a giant part are the relationships you build
    there are many good people here on the threads that will help with things or giving answers to questions so stay active in the community and I'm sure it will work its self out
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  3. TheBatDCAU Level 30

    Most of the time i try to get styles for my batman characther and it gets boring real fast so yeah can´t say you are lying most of the time i wish my teamates were online all the time so we could play together.
  4. ALB Dedicated Player

    I would agree if it wasn't for buffs