How much damage is good enough for the T5 OPs?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by darkmoon caverns, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. darkmoon caverns New Player

    I was in a run for Family Reunion and the healer was constantly complaining about me over the mic.
    When we were in daytime Gotham he was complaining about the slow burn to which the tank said "remember we have a tank". I thought we were making good time. I can't give an exact time to how long we spent there but I can't imagine it being over 10-15 minutes from the time we exit the speed force tunnel to the entering of Wayne Tower.
    Then when we wiped at the wayne fight (healer went down first) again the healer was complaining and saying my DPS wasn't good enough because I didn't have a million in damage out.

    Then at the last boss both the nexus bot and Batman were nearing death and I accidentally killed Batman first because I was using multitarget powers cause they hit harder and I wanted to burn the bot fast. The healer groaned and blamed me again for killing Batman first. I told him it didn't matter considering I killed the nexus bot immediately after to which he says "it does if you're a professional". I'll let you take a moment to face palm....done? Okay.

    So anyway my ignore list found a new friend but I want to get the opinion from the forum goers because I consider you guys to be the better players of the game. How much damage out do I need to be considered a good DPS? I think the highest I've done was a little over a million but that's at the end of the raid. Ads only have so much health and I try to fight as little ads as possible(not saying I leave the group to fend for themselves! lol) so we don't waste time.
  2. Statman New Player

    That healer must be in a lot of fail groups, coz that's definitely one way to get your damage higher - get in the boss fight multiple times only to have to do it again!
  3. Deepeess New Player

    There is no need to do 1mil damage on fr or bia, unless you like to fight every red dot on your map.
  4. insinceremelody New Player

    Wow. "It does if you're a professional." I'm sorry. I didn't realize the devs were watching everything behind the scenes waiting to hand out a single, red rose.

    To answer the thread question, no amount is ever good enough for some people. I've been in near-flawless raids where people still wanted to kick the bottom DPS.
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  5. PachamamaMan Well-Known Player

    in bia and fr with a tank a good damage out is 2.5 times my healing out, in a 2 dps run each making 2 times my healing out as damage.
  6. Whiteroom New Player

    I find with a tank around 1-1.2 mill for the whole thing, without, less than a mill. I'm gonna run that or BIA right now, if I get a tank, I'll let ya know.
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  7. Whiteroom New Player

    So I ran both, with 2 dps though. In BIA I was ~650K while the second was almost 500k. In FAM I was ~850K while the second was ~690K.

    Also, A 85 one hander dropped off of Lex in FAM. Did they update the loots with GU 29, because thats not listed on DCUO DB.
  8. Sytenia Committed Player

    About 5 or 6 times the damage of the next person in the list, usually the tank or the controller.
    You end up with between 1 million and 1.4 million in that operation mostly.
    If you go with one damager and a tank that is.

    That healer complaining at you for wiping on that fight is just silly, it's soo easy with a tank in the group.
    Yeah they jump at a random group member every now and then but if the healer is just a little bit competent it's no problem at all.

    Me personally I'd rather have a tank in the group than two damagers even if the damage is a little low.
    The two damagers trying to compete all the time usually make up for more trouble than what you gain from it.
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  9. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    The most important thing is that you finish the alert the rest is just made up numbers on a screen that flashes for a second and people look at long enough to hit leave .
  10. One_Man_Army New Player

    lol There's a lot of things not listed on DCUO DB, you know. I'd say that site isn't even 70% complete.
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  11. Darth Loyal Player

    How ever much damage it takes to finish the instance is good enough for me. Btw, I didn't realize they were paying people to run FAM professionally. Where do I sign up?
    I think he's referring to the fact that the highest weapon drops in the Ops was supposed to be 84. It's weird that he got an 85 in there.
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  12. One_Man_Army New Player

    I'm simply saying DCUO DB isn't the be all, end all of the drops. Not all the drops are listed on that site. Since not all the drops are actually known publicly, that site is nowhere near complete. DCUO DB isn't an official SOE source. It's a 3rd party site set up by a 3rd party entirely dependent on what players manage to find as drops. Good for some info, but not exactly the latest info. I've come across other players who manage to get 85 stuff from the ops. It's extremely rare, but the chance is still there.
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  13. Korvyne Committed Player

    Sounds like you done it correctly to me.
    Maybe you can give your thoughts on this, sytenias quote above says the tank should be 2nd or 3rd on the damage out list. Im an ice tank, There's no way I'm beating the controller and rarely beat the healer in bia or fr due to the long bouts of blocking bosses and pulling adds around while the others are ranging, plus If I block less it gives the healer more work. I'd be mainly doing might damage to keep aggro but for me to do meleeing damage as a tank vs the extra work put on a healer just doesn't seem worth it.
  14. Whiteroom New Player

    I'm well aware that it is an incomplete site. They are usually pretty good with the item level though. I know I have never seen anything 85 in the ops but the two TT pieces. You could he right though.
  15. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Wait at what point was he complaining that you didn't have a million damage out? I normally have just over a million out for the entire Op. Although I don't kill all the adds either.
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  16. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    Yeah thats odd that an 85 weapon dropped...the only higher level stuff i've seen is the TT gear and 87 healer trinket drop
  17. Echephyle New Player

    I did family yesterday in all green gear modded with betas with beast tank healer and troll. We had no problems and my total dmg was 975k or something like that. No wipes and got the feat for batman n catwoman and not letting lex come back more than once. If you know what you're doing, dmg out doesnt need to be insane.
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  18. One_Man_Army New Player

    They're just extremely rare. I haven't seen anything other than TT 85 pieces either. But I have spoken with a couple players who received 85 items from it that weren't TT and read stories from a few others.
  19. RlVER Well-Known Player

    DCUO- DB is far from a complete database. There is A LOT of info they are missing/have the wrong info. Do not always trust the website. but no GU29 did not change the loot tables of alerts. I got my first 85 weapon form an alert more than a month ago.

    1mil damage for the full alert on a no wipe group is about right. Based on my experience there is little more then 2mil damage total to go around in a no wipe group.

    When I dps I usually do somewhere between 1.2m-1.5m damage in Family with a flawless run (no wipes, no unnecessary adds fought).

    I also prefer to run with a tank. Some say it is faster to run with 2 dps but I feel it is the same as with tank. When using 2 dps I feel like one of them spends a whole lot of time hiding from the agro while the other burns and vice versa. so essentially one dps can barely attack anyway and might as well be a tank. This also allows for a controlled burn using AOE attacks and such since the tank can keep the boss right where you want him.
  20. darkmoon caverns New Player

    During the Wayne Tower fight he said I should have at least a mill, which would imply I would 2 mill for the whole thing.