How many times has your main changed powers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quantum Rising, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Remeber the bug from FFL that granted you extra Deputization decrees? (I got 13 I believe)
    My main has switched from HL to every other controller at least once, plus Ive been Quantum 2 more times. So 6 on my main.

    Ive switched my tank 3 times and my healer 2x

    So 8 in total, but always with 1/2 off respects or using Dep Decrees so really only paid for 5 over about 7 years.
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  2. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Ok, let me rephrase and expand a bit. I played nature way back when max level was only 25, and as soon as I reached max level got dragged by friends into a different game. When I came back a few months ago, RWC was endgame and revamp was live. Didn’t even look at my old character because I didn’t even remember anything about the game other than “it’s based on DC Comics”. I was actually thinking “OMG, I played this before?” when I saw my old character on the character select screen (remembered the login because I had also played EQ and SWG on the same account - had the account since long before SWG first came out). So I created a new character, picked Celestial, and never once changed it.
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  3. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Hard to say.

    There was one tier of gear that had separate styles for the various roles for the longest time, Tier 3 I think (?), eventually they unlocked the DPS side on all sets so you could just purchase them all without changing powers, but originally you had to be a healer to get the heal set, a tank to get the tank set, a troll to get the troll set, and dps to get the dps set. I got all the sets prior to the "dps" unlocking, so my main has been a healer, tank, troll, and of course DPS.

    I know I have been every troll power at some point on my main. I think I have been every tank power at some point on my main, but that may be my main alt, back when I played alts...

    HL and mental are two primary powers I enjoy playing. I have swapped between the two more times than I would like to admit, probably even more so since I stopped playing alts...

    So how many times? A lot... easily more than 10, but far less than 100 for all my toons... I think.
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  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    More than I should have, but only a couple in the past three years.
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  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, not to mention fire was OP for the first few years. :)
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  6. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Far too often... I just changed from Earth to Rage last night because I grew bored with it :confused:
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  7. Saami Loyal Player

    You mean that certain weaponset was op? Dps was more about weapon combos than powerset before WM and AM.
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  8. Entrust Committed Player

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  9. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Zero... unless you count the brief stints in order to acquire certain style feats available only to specific roles, in which case maybe 3 times... but always changing back right after feat replay is completed.
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  10. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    :p [IMG]
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Been FIre since my first toon on the first day I played the game, but did switch 3 times over the years....all on the same day. Went sorc to cash in the 30 or so pieces of healer gear I was sitting on, signed out and back in to get the 'reach 30 as a healer'....then switched to Quantum to cash in the 20 or so Troller pieces I was sitting on to finish all the base game and early dlc style feats (this was pre-Vendor 22). Signed out and back in to get the 'reach 30 as a troll'....then went back to Fire.

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  12. Vesper Dedicated Player

    On my main, paid to swap powers 4 times.

    She was started on a bet just to shut up a guy in my old league who was a serious whiner. He was constantly (rudely) demanding help with EVERY SINGLE MISSION. He refused to do ANYTHING on his own EVER. And when we'd ask him why he was so completely against doing ANYTHING himself, he would say "but I'm running a Nature Healer with Super Speed, and that's HARD. You guys just don't understand how HARD this toon is to play". After 3 solid weeks and he STILL wasn't even t3 for Fortress yet, I got sick of him.

    So I made a throw away toon. Nature. With Super Speed. Ran her up to 30 the same day, had her t3 the next day. When I asked peeps in league who wanted to go raid and he STILL couldn't do Fortress, he got mad. And quit the League. Mission accomplished.

    This was back before armories or Electricity. I didn't like Nature, but I already had a sorcery DPS toon. So since I'd attuned all her gear to Healer, I swapped her to Sorcery and carried on. Also ditched Super Speed for Flight.

    Over time, I managed to pick up all the pieces of gear for Controller & Tank specific styles. I kept those in my stash until I was absolutely sure I had EVERY style that a healer couldn't wear at the time. Then I spent an hour as an Ice tank for those feats, and another as a Mental Controller for those feats. Switched back to Sorcery and have stayed there since.

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  13. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    My main has never change his power. In fact, with 23 characters, only one of them has ever changed power, and that was when I switched the character that I created to reserve a "Water name" to be an actual Water character when the power set dropped.
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  14. Shadow Force Committed Player

    Play since beta and never been Gadgets and i will stay gadgets.
  15. 6ix9ine Well-Known Player

    Ice- Atomic - mental - gadgets - munitions - Hardlight - rage

    i have my phases when i want to tank and i have my phases when i want to troll. i think im going quantum next..
  16. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Twice, once to get Tank Feats and once to get Healer Feats.

    Each of those periods was as short as I could make them. :D
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  17. Hytch Well-Known Player

    I was Fire for a long while from the start of the game until they nerfed it hard. I changed to Electricity until shortly after they nerfed it hard. Then I went to Quantum and stayed there for years until I recently went back to my first love, Fire.

    So, I guess, 4 times. I would never have left Fire if they hadn't nerfed it. But for a while there it was only useful as a tank and as a DPS I would be a detriment to the team with the damage output.
  18. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I was mental at first then quantum then water and now I'm nature atm I feel good where I'm at and like my guy just the way he is.
  19. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Started out as Mental then changed to Fire, Electric, Nature, Gadgets, Quantum, Mental, Quantum, Ice, Sorcery, Quantum. 10 times.
  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I plead the 5th
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