How I got to CR 107 and my quest to get to CR 111.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AgnesEshak, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. AgnesEshak Active Player

    I been PUGing along since level 30 mixed with help from league mates. I joined the alerts and raids hoping for higher level people to come along and there usually was. Like when I did prime and gates, there were so many level 100's that just carried me through. With constant grinding and modding, I finally leeched my way to CR 107. I ran LHSB a few times and even did Avarice Impunity. But now the problem comes which is that I am at a higher level and only a few are higher than me. I need these people to help me grind my way to the top. I did the calculations. Necro, Artifacts, and Lockdown all give 10 marks a pop. To accumulate enough marks to buy a full set of gear, I would need like 300 fury marks which means I would have to run the T6 raids many times. But if I do Love and War, I can hope that they drop i97 gear which I really need to replace my current gear. I get a set of i97 gear, mod that gear, and i'm CR 111 which means I beat the game. But this is much easier said than done since the raids are getting harder and harder to leech off of. What am I gonna do?
  2. kav Committed Player

    No, you didn't beat the game. You just completed the highest available instance is all. Did you max out your SP's? Got all Achievements?

    Play your role, and that good. No need to leech or fudge yourself up there.
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  3. Cable Committed Player

    I don't know what you're going to do, but what you should do is try to learn to carry your own weight. I'm not totally sure this isn't a troll thread but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The truth is there is no beating this game. There will be another DLC, another tier, another raid and another set of feats. Why not try to improve your skills so that you don't need other people to carry you? I just want to say also I'm really not trying to sound elitist here, I don't know everything in this game, and I'm not the best person in this game but I'm always trying to improve. That's what it's all about to me at least. I just don't really understand essentially bragging about having others do the work for you.
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  4. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player

    I think this is exactly what's wrong with PUGs these days. They don't properly learn their roles and get carried through pretty much everything. They then get through some of the easier top content through the other competent players picking up the slack (Beast heals, trolld and DPS who doesn't just burn) and then are now asking questions like "am I able to dps?" I really hope this is trolling.
  5. ChuckLess New Player

    Troll thread. Move along. :rolleyes:
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  6. AzraelR Committed Player

    You beat the game? Congratulations if you get all 202 skill points possible. Otherwise, you have a lot of work to do, so good luck.

    edit: sorry, I said "got", is "get"
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  7. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    whats your hurry? take your time and enjoy the game its not a race
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  8. DCUController New Player

    there's 4 T6 raids -- necro / artifacts / lockdown / L&W

    by your post it takes 300 MoFs for a full set of gear no?

    87 replays per reset at 10 marks a run

    thats 870 replay badges for 100 MoF

    totaling out to 2610 replays needed to buy a full set of 97 vendor gear, or to get 300 MoF by the 10 MoF statement above.

    and as for what your going to do now? learn how to play the game / your role would be my best advice :rolleyes:

    by your post you haven't had to learn to do your role due to being carried all the way up, so now is the best time to.
  9. DCUController New Player

    sorry but the OP is in a league from their post

    so its not "PUGs" only :rolleyes:
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  10. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    PUG = pick up group
    Meaning random ppl that you do not know. Also meaning league mates are not pugs.
  11. iLynxHD New Player

    You shouldn't play your tank role when you wanna get carried since I played with you in ZCC and everyone but you had aggro. you should add a pull to your loadout it will help
  12. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    im very scared for the future of this
  13. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Why don't you try running all the other content that comes with these 4 raids. 5 daily missions, 3 duos, 5 alerts and at least 1 weekly bounty. All of these give you marks of fury and you will be able to buy the 97 gear from the vendor with out having to leech or rely too much on others.

    I was able to buy a piece of gear approx. every 3 days with a little hard work and only 2 replays of the new raid. I run all content that gives me the marks I need for what I'm working on every day.

    You say you have run stuff "a few times" and are a high cr with only a "few" people above you. The people you are talking about run these raids, alerts, duos, and solos every day and work hard to make their toons the best they can be. They grind out feats and probably have never been carried through content. If you use the app to look them up they will have very few feats left.

    Learn your role, grind a lot harder and make yourself an asset to a group not a crutch. You wont have to use words like LEECH or CARRY anymore.
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  14. SkullGang Devoted Player

    *skimming...skimming*..."leech". Hold up. The troll is strong is the one.
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  15. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player



    take a peek at this

    From an earlier post about 2 weeks ago he was 102cr / 66sp and now he is 107cr / 67sp

    5cr in two weeks, fair enough but only ONE sp in that time? "beating" the game is a long long way away for this one.
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  16. iLynxHD New Player

    this dude hops into any wotl 2 alert and then leaves if he can't be carried through it. I ran ZCC with him we wiped twice and he left even though we could have done it, just would have to take it slow and not break all the crystals at the same time
  17. iLynxHD New Player

    Here's a tip do what I did do all your solos,duos,daily missions, and eventually alerts then when you get to like 3+cr over the recommended for raids then attempt it.Grind fears when you wait for queues.
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  18. Unida Dedicated Player

    dont think ive ever met someone in that league that wasnt confused or misguided about something. I'm possibly biased due to the constant WT spam they do *shrug*.

    there seems to be at least 20 toons with as high, or higher cr than OP in his league, so id say the choice is fairly obvious. You're in a league - make it happen?
  19. Falco Committed Player

    Oh thank God! He's on PC and not PS. Y'all have fun with that.
  20. iLynxHD New Player

    I'm switching to ps lucky me I get to get away from this