How do you make in game cash these days?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by cravex15, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Okay so I'm bought a few of these booster packs and I happened to get the Green Plasmic aura twice so I decided to sell one.
    Finally I have something of value to sell.
    But I when I go to check the broker to see what prices I can start the bid at I see that some people are selling the aura for 1 or 2 million.
    That's nothing.
    How does anyone make millions and millions anymore? I have been so economically poor for like a year now floating around it 2 or 3 million. I never own anything of value that I can sell. I never get anything of value or rare and if I do it is usually "cannot trade cannot sell". All I have is stuff that is worthless or that everybody in the game already has. I remember the days when I could sell a stack of red bits ,yes that's right I said bits, for 1 million. Nowadays a stack of bits is like a 100k, if that, and a green plasmic aura which is supposed to be special and rare is now the same price as one stack of bits two years ago.
    Isn't anything in this game worth anything anymore? Auras, bits/bytes, plans..... All worth nothing but a couple mil.
    Then what I also gets me in the broker is right next to that green plasmic aura selling for 1 million I see somebody else selling that same green plasmic for 30 million. o_O
    Doesn't that person that is selling it for 30 million know that they are probably NOT going to get 30 million since there are 20 other green plasmics right next to it selling for 1 or 2 mil.....?
    I'm not sure if these people are stupid for trying to sell it so high or if the other people trying to sell it so low are to blame for practically giving away these auras for free and messing up the communities chances of making a profit.
    I'm just curious to know how everyone manages to make their $$$$ these days and maintain and keep it.
    Any tips or tricks?
  2. THE BATWING Dedicated Player

    Try complex material ...but other then that new collections..... Also im broke an only have 250k so u really shouldn't take me seriously.....if any one would like to make a donation to the batwing fund im all for it :)
  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I make most of my money off collections I find when exobit gathering and base items I get through instances. I occasionally make money off r&d plans, but I rarely get those.
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  4. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Home Turf Collections - Despite amenities being added to the MP, many of these collection components still sell for a lot. I'm pretty fast at farming the Steelworks and Ace items, so I get these amenities for all my toon the old fashioned way. I just sell of the duplicates for various prices. If I do mindless farming while watching a baseball game, I can earn a few hundred K.

    Furniture - All base items went up in price when LH went live, but they still drop in the same places at the same frequency. Many items on the broker seem rare because they drop from T1-T3 and those tiers probably get replayed less. These aren't mathematically rare items. They just became rare with player habits.

    Crafting - some materials might be worthless, but when you use them to craft items, the whole can be worth more than the value of the parts separately.

    For pocket change, I sell some junk loot... anything that's tradable, I'll chuck on the broker for cheap. These are usually the lower tier green items.
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  5. Jamos Well-Known Player

    Well, of course the new auras aren't going to be near as pricey as before. If you get the Booster Bundle there is a 100% chance that you are going to get one of these. If you don't like the one you got you can simply trade it with someone that has one you like. So if it is as simple as that there is little need to purchase them at such large prices.
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  6. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I still have a ton of seasonal collections. They go for a pretty penny.

    I also like to run random alts that i have through solos. Great base items to grab that way.

    Other than that, the newest collection pieces seem to bring in the most money. (looks at 5 spare Scott Free collections).
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  7. Radiohead New Player

    buy low and sell high is the only way. #AHFarming
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  8. Radiohead New Player

    i will take one off of your hands ;)
  9. INS1GNIA Active Player

    Selling top tier plans & craft items when new gear/dlc's come out. Also hanging on to special items and selling them later. It's all about timing though. Selling the right item at that unique time to gain the most profit from it. One day a soder Lime plan may be worth 10 mill but then the next day, it is down to 1.5 mill. Just have to watch the AH and hope for some luck.
  10. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Which toon should i add? I haven't sold any since the broker is flooded with auras now.
  11. Radiohead New Player

    my main villain is Radiohead ILY BTW <3
  12. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    lol well i wont come much lower than 3 mil. Some days they wont sell for a penny more than that!
  13. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Don't buy more than you want or need, that helps a lot. Don't rush to buy that new plan the first few weeks. Don't buy all those new collections the first few weeks.
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  14. winter13 New Player

    2 or 3 million??? My main only has $600,000. He had $54 last week, so he is slowly making a comeback.
  15. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I would say when the next DLC comes out, don't equip new plans and/or collections and sell them instead for top dollar before the prices come down. Other then that and few rare collections thats pretty much it these days.
  16. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Find the things that sell for feats, or the newest collections... The Scott and Barda wedding was selling for a ton the first two weeks but it dropped a ton... Other than that, look at the furniture pieces for feats, see which single piece is the rarest by looking in the broker... Then find out where it drops and start farming.

    Other than that, the biggest piece of advice I can give is to sell EVERYTHING... Even the common collections for $500 adds up eventually.
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  17. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Unless it's a new soder plan.... If you get one of those right away you can make them and sell them so easily it's ridiculous... Work towards the create feat while slowly building a fortune. :D
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  18. Malachyte Devoted Player

    That is very true Sir, and totally forgot about doing that as well
    Great point !!!!
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  19. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Worked for me great with Remixes.... Still don't have a lime plan though, luckily some leaguemates make them like crazy.
  20. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Hate to say but I was one of the people that used to 'up-sell' items when I first became legendary. I had to grind to my first mill but I took a chance when I saw a gold aura for cheap and re-sold it for around 2mill. A few more sales like that and I was up to 5mill. These days though people are a lot more broker savvy. However you get the occasional deal, I go to the broker often and search by 'price ascending' and check various categories...a few weeks ago I got the 'kick me' back for 2000. But thats about the only super cheap thing I've had. But occasionally someone will sell something for 1mil that can be sold for 2mill on the right day. It's a question of playing the broker.
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