How do you get to cr120 as a Controller...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KHALONofOGUN, May 26, 2015.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    It's Not in duos only. I seen in alerts and raids where ppl shouting at some trolls, and their answer is "well why don't u use your AMs" to be honest with u, not all trolls but some who are cr 120 or higher which half of them probably skipped enough content and practice to get there normally don't know what POT is, or even how to do em. And those that do expect u to use ur AM which some power like rage takes a lil bit before u get any power back and when u do its no where near as other AMs.
  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    In an alert or raid situation there is an immediate remedy for terrible or not-trying players...kick and replace. A duo is a different beast. You have very few options in that situation.
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  3. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    sometimes. always depends on my mood , the other players. The new duos are very easy to get through. If you tell me you're still figuring things out, have no dps gear, you'll try your best... you're guaranteed a win. If I queue in with someone who just stands there...chances are i'm going to go aggro as many ads, bring them back to you and then split out.

    Anything else in between can happen. Usually I try to do whats going to waste the least amount of time for me.

    Somewhere in the mid t4 days I queued up for Oolong Island and found myself with a very inexperienced group. Full T4 gave me a definite edge...but with the other three players constantly going down the run was a challenge. If the controller understood how to throw power over time we would have avoided about fifteen minutes of wiping. The controller was quite friendly, very responsive and appreciative of the tips and would give a thumbs up with an "I understand now" even gave him/her a couple of my viter colers...we would start again and no pot, no power, everythings on cool down, we wipe. Its one of the few times Ive ever initiated a kick.

    a good support role can make a bad dps better in a duo if the undergeared and/or inexperienced dps tries. a good support role paired up with a bad dps is a slow torturous hell for the support role. personally i have a blast running through these duos as a controller.
  4. KlockeD Level 30

    Lol at this thread. Op you sound like a complete tool, just sayin.
  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    How so?
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  6. MrB Dedicated Player

    Cuz you don't give free rides lol.
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  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    eh when I run my troll I PoT and/or burst in duo's, makes no sense other then "trolling" / being a ***hole to the person in the group.
  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I need to get in your groups then lol
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  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    PM me the guys name and faction lol

    I probably know him JS
  10. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    Lots of players still expect to be carried. With doing as little as possible. Im not surprised he didnt talk back to you. Lots of players still dont get the text feature. I will do what you did sometimes. Other times ill hold block and watch those kinds of players die. I sometimes hold back just like you. when i get stuck doing most the work. The most annyoing is. Players that just stay behind and let you do everything.
  11. HellsTank New Player

    I think you just gave me new idea. The next time I run into one of these guys, I think I will aggro the enemies and jump on the guy's head and block til he is either forced to do something other than spam range tap or die. I'll get plenty of amusement from the death or I'll get a more useful sidekick in an instance. Win/win. TY for the inspiration!
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  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    The options are pretty simple.

    Either stay and solo the darn duo.....

    or leave and hope your next duo partner will be better.
  13. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    As long as it's not a raid or if your the only dps I'm cool with it. I don't expect everyone to be good at this game.
  14. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Not going to go through the pages and pages of responses, but, in case no one had suggested a few possibilities, I figured I'd throw them in ...

    • If someone loses their HUD, they wouldn't see the chat, and might not think they could throw any powers. Doesn't really account for the tap range, though.
    • People play the game inebriated all the time, on substances of all sorts. It can make for some interesting game play on their part, and some frustrating gameplay on your part.
    • Maybe they only had the one free armory, accidentally switched to it though it didn't have anything imprinted for a loadout, and were locked in combat unable to do anything about it. Some people just don't communicate even in situations like that.
    • Like Kaiser007 said, I've been in instances where people were like "it's a pug, I'll just let my toddler play." Once in LoA, with the toddler on mic, really really loud.
    However we might excuse away someone acting like this, your question of how to deal with it stands. I think you were fine.
  15. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    You trolled this guy good.
  16. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Yea of course, but trolls specially good ones are hard to come by. Either they already in a grp or run with lg strictly. So it's still a gamble inviting another. As to me I'm a tank mainly, I rely on my supply drop, sodas and sidekick and my wm if I have room to squeeze some in to save a lil power.

    But that doesn't mean that players who decide to run support don't know or even bother to learn what they need to do. Stuns, pot, pick ups etc. Some really don't care, I have had enough bad experience this past year then I did years before it. With they way how u can easy go from lvl 30 to cr 115+ ppl just don't bother anymore.

    One thing I always done, is that I try to not vote and explain to the others to not initiate it either and communicate with whoever whether troll, dps, healer, and try to explain to them what they doing wrong, or if thwy know what they doing. After that I try to explain that thwy need to throw pot once in awhile, they need to stun these adds and so on. After that it's in their hands. I can't control stupid lol
  17. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    And that's what you got from the story he told? I run duos all the time with my buddy and at times simply que up and run with whoever I get teamed with and when I am on a TROLL in TROLL mode I do what a TROLL is supposed to do. My POT attack also stuns and immobilizes so I use it as often as possibly. Because I realize the DPS I probably with is able to do more damage I hit my Power Push often to keep his levels high so we can BURN through content. Now since I am only playing Ever ready Bunny to one person instead of 3 or 7 I Actually have power left to use my other attacks and I do that as well. I never just follow along and watch the fireworks.. I enjoy making fireworks happen to much.

    I have been in the exact same situation as the OP .. and ON a TROLL. Qued up and wound up in the Tunnel of Lust with a tank that did everything possible to let my 111(at the time) Troll do everything. I frequently had to stop and wait until he moved forward into the same room I was in or he'd lag behind and let me take out all the mobs. In the actual tunnel portion he turned right after I turned left and managed to get himself killed. .. Amazingly he was so confused and so lost I had cleared the entire tunnel and was ready to go face off with Jacob by the time he got back. Then I got held and bright boy stood there doing absolutely nothing even after I told him to go grab the glowie and release me. After I REZZED and returned HE was the one stunned. I freed him and he stood like a lump till he died and I finished off Jacob myself... I may as well have walked in and done the thing myself for all the support I got. Oh and let's be clear I am not talking about being teamed with someone that was CR 84 or 86 this tank was CR 109 and only there to grab some MOT. My 110 TANK was able to SOL Trigon Prison but this clown couldn't be bothered to lend a hand and let me do everything.

    Oh and I have been the "second troll" on a raid and after a while realize the #! troll wasn't throwing POT or using a power push of any kind. At that point I didn't even bother to ask (AGAIN) I just took over and became the #! troll (basically the ONLY troll.. because the other guy had on troll gear but was doing his I am a DPS imitation) and suddenly the team had POWER. There are players out there LIKE that. Never do anything they should do based on their gear and the role the chose.

    I applaud the OP for what he did.. Frankly I should have done the same thing to that Tank I spoke of earlier but I wanted to get my marks and get out.
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  18. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Maybe they lost their HUD or were eating :)
  19. ssvillae New Player

    Seen healers who dont heal and tank who dont tank and ive seen a lot of dps who dps that gets outdps by another role
  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Maybe they ate their HUD. :eek: ;)

    I keep on losing mu HUD in them duos.... so that is possible.

    Makes it kind of difficult to chose your reward when that happens. :(
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