How do I get on test server?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dr. Quantro, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Dr. Quantro Well-Known Player

    I downloaded the game to my PC, and I installed the test server patch. Apparently, I need to authorized to logon to the test server. Is this true? Can someone confirm this? If so, who do I contact to get authorization?

    Thanks in advance, guys!
  2. Ice Lantern New Player

    I'm guessing you have to have a Legendary sub on the PC.
  3. Feenicks New Player

    Are you legendary? I used my station name and password. But you do have to be legendary.
  4. Dr. Quantro Well-Known Player

    No, I'm not legendary on PC. I'm from the PS4 gang, of which I am legendary. I just assumed I could login on the PC and test-away. Okay, thanks for the info. Guess I will not be testing.