how do i get amenties

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Spizzy86, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Spizzy86 New Player

    jus wondering how i can get amenties for my liar. thank you
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  2. Taimak New Player

    The new home turf collections will unlock the amenities
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  3. MooseDetective New Player

    you shouldn't get men's ties for your liar. liars don't deserve ties.

    If you want amenities for your should finish the collections that are spawning at Arkham Island, Steelworks, Ace Chemicals and Stryker's Island. There are 12 new collections... 8 of those give the amenities and 4 give base items. Someone will be along shortly with a list of which does what.
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  4. Recon4thCav Level 30