How can I make alot of money in this game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AgnesEshak, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. AgnesEshak Active Player

    I need to get rich quick. I thought about farming for exos, but somehow I don't think that'll get me rich.
  2. LebronHairline New Player

    You can farm for exos but do raids and duos you get items and sell them or you can do what most player do is trade like 10$ psn cards for in-game money but whats the reason for you striving to become rich?
  3. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Pretty sure that's agains the ToS.

    OP - check the broker, see what's selling for reasonable amounts, then farm it. Just remember that a high price in the broker does not mean it's selling.
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  4. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    To this day, the best way to make money is still selling stacks of exobytes. Exos always sell. Also, rare styles and base items, and collections.
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  5. LebronHairline New Player

    well on ps4 people do it all the time well from what i constantly see but than again people risk getting scammed so i wouldn't even bother to do it in my opinion but it was an optional suggestion.
  6. kawe Loyal Player

    Aww, you know just because they do it doesn't mean it's allowed or good.

    It is against TOS and I'd recommend ppl to avoid trades like that. As you said, the chances to get scammed skyrocket if real-life money is on the line.
    As ppl said OP, stick to Exos and collections. Exos always sell. With collections it depends, you need to find rare ones to make the fastest money.
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  7. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    go in the broker look at what the most expensive items them
  8. Wildboy Committed Player

    Pretty much this. The game's economy is huge and money is really easy to make. The people who shout out in chat, "Can someone give me $2 mil pleeeaaaazzzze" get a quick trip to my ignore list at the least.
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  9. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I made 10 mil yesterday . Here is how you do it. Get some radar enhancers, head to themes Metropolis battle zone and grab up the collection pieces. Some go for upwards of a million each. Also farm exobits. You can make MORE money by using them to make level six expert sodas if you have the plans.
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  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Collections and plans at the start of a DLC, exceptional recovery kits, and exobits.
  11. Little Sister New Player

    I make all of my money from Exos and also the newest collections.
  12. Cognac Staxx New Player

    If you farm the base amenity collections they usually sell for alot. Also prices stay around the same because people always need them.
  13. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Try to farm the rarer lair items tied to feats. They go for a pretty penny (well, at least they do on EUPS).
  14. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The Replica Artifacts from HOP2 are still selling well.
    If you're lucky enough to have 6E plans, you can sell Mods rather than Exos
  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Once amenities were added to the marketplace the price for the collections dropped drastically. The rare phobias use to sell for 4 mil on USPS and now you're lucky to get 1 mil. The market place amenities are much better than the collection version because they are account bound. Current DLC collections actually sell higher then the amenities collections now.
  16. tukuan Devoted Player

    If you can get into the latest DLC content then there's always stuff to sell if you can delay your own need for gratification. For example in DLC 12 you could make a ok money farming and selling collections but even more money selling plans or living planet furniture but that would in turn likely be impacting your own grind. That pretty much goes for exos as well, you can sell them but chances are you'll also need them yourself.

    If you can't get into new content there's always a market for the rare collections or even the only semi-rare ones if they are from uncommon/painful farming areas. For example almost all of the Class collections sell because people can't be asked to farm the Tomorrow District. The same to a lesser degree goes for Suicide Slums and Strykers/Arkham.

    If you sit on them mats can be worth a good chunk at the introduction of a new set of plans. I made several million selling complex and simple mats last week, mostly because the majority under-sold or even deleted them in the months leading up to the newer expert plans.

    Finally with seasonals there's always money to be made on furniture both during (for the feats) and after (the more interesting items). However in the case of the former you have to be careful not to overprice or they just sit there and in the case of the latter you might have to sit on them for a while. That said I just made 8m a couple of weeks ago selling pub stuff (USPC dollars mind you).
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  17. Cognac Staxx New Player

    theres are many collections in shivs&shanks + prison library that are 1M+ in broker. so id say if you should make 5M in a day thats pretty good. i think people who make 50mill are da are just greedy and have no life. theres no reason to have 900M in dcuo. (nd ive seen that personally)
  18. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    Or can someone mail me sodas please
  19. Lionxoft Committed Player

    It's huge because of all the dup bugs and gold sellers. SOE has a fairly lenient and forgiving policy regarding exploiting the economy via glitches and/or gold selling.
  20. King Felsa New Player

    Buy High, Sell Low.
