How can i get Henchmen Uplink Device: Man-Bat Commandos? Thank you!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ozu000, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. ozu000 Well-Known Player

    Do i have to unlock Backup and Henchmen or Sidekicks and Accomplices to have a chance to obtain it?
    I don't use Sidekicks and Accomplices and Backup and Henchmen so I don't unlock them.
    Please help me!
    Thank you very much!
    Sorry if my English is bad
  2. Saami Loyal Player

    Im not sure if you had to unlock anything, but i would not take any risks.
    Drop rate is very very low. Keep that in mind. It drops only in ZOO elite raid, if im not mistaken.
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  3. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Its a rare drop from the Gotham Zoo Elite raid.
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  4. Surtur Well-Known Player

    As far as I know the regular trinkets with one helper like Mr boo & stuff you don't need sidekick upgrade but the things like box of thugs and qwardians I assume that you would need them since they are a main frame upgrade trinket.
    I suggest that you get those mainframe upgrades anyway. They can be a lifesaver.
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  5. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    You can get regular henchmen by visiting the generator or whatever it is called in your base/lair. They will not look as cool but they do the same exact thing. The man-bat ones are a rare drop in the Elite Zoo Raid, and the only thing more rare then the trinket itself would be finding a team that can beat that nightmare of a mission. Thus far every time I do get lucky enough to get a team that will actually try to go beyond the 1st boss they will quickly give up after we fail to last more then 15 seconds on the 2nd boss.

    There are other cool skins for the henchmen that you can get by buying a theme for your lair. I have the hazmat and swat team looking guys, and whichever ones come with the cave. Kinda robot looking fellas. You can also buy/get the Joker, Riddler, or Qwardian henchmen from Time Capsules.

    Actually, right now you can search "Uplink" on the broker. As of yesterday they had all of the above on the broker. Including the man-bat henchmen. However, the reason the henchmen were still on the broker this morning and all day yesterday was because someone wants 811 million for them. I've seen them go for 1/4th as much the few times I seen them in trade chat. Sometimes patience is a virtue.
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  6. ozu000 Well-Known Player

    Thank you
  7. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    very very rare indeed. seeing how the only way to beat zoo-e is cheating.
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  8. Korlick Loyal Player

    Get it as rare drop from Zoo Elite...or you could try and buy it from the broker or trade chat. Last week there was one in the broker for 350mill and a few days ago there was another for just 811mill
  9. Shelly Active Player

    Just $811 million thats all folks!!!!