How can DCUO get improved?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fuerza Fenix, Jan 1, 2020.

  1. Fuerza Fenix Level 30

    I have read several threads complaining about many stuff, I agree mostly with everything but... instead of doing another thread like that I decided to post what I think Daybreak can do to improve the game:

    1. Iconic Powerset trees.
    At this point there are not many powersets we really NEED. Sure, I can think of several but I'll post them later.
    What if Daybreak decides to develop the current iconic powers into iconic trees?
    Lets say:

    Kryptonian Iconic Tree:
    • Tier 1. Heat Vision
    • Tier 1. Frost Breath
    • Tier 2. Enhanced Flight (passive, adds 25% flight speed)
    • Tier 2. Enhanced Speed (passive, adds 25% speed move while moving (not in-combat) or using SS)
    • Tier 3. Unbreakable Skin (passive, adds 10% defense/resistance when in tank role)
    • Tier 3. Mind over Matter (supercharge, when using this skill you manage to tough up your body resisting 50% of incoming damage)

    Bat-Training Iconic Tree:

    • Tier 1. Batarangs
    • Tier 1. Enhanced Agility (passive, increases Grappling Line range 25%, movement speed using Acrobatics and not in-combat)
    • Tier 2. Master hand-to-hand fighter (passive, increases damage with weapons 10%)
    • Tier 2. Parry (passive, blocking gives 10% of deflecting 50% total damage every 120 seconds)
    • Tier 3. Escape (supercharge, using this power makes the hero/villain do two somersaults avoiding all normal damage, recharge every 120 seconds)
    • Tier 3. Enhanced Orbital Strike (supercharge, Oracle coordinates several satellites to chain 2 Orbital Strikes in one shot)

    Amazon Iconic Tree:
    • Tier 1. Amazon Deflection
    • Tier 1. Amazon Combo (when using this power the user starts a chain of 6 quick attacks, each attack has an accumulative 5% chance to stun the target, when target is stunned damage is increased, finisher deals a critical attack causing knockback)
    • Tier 2. Amazon expert (using this power augments all damage done with weapons for 5 seconds in 10% every 180 secs)
    • Tier 2. Weapon Proficiency (passive, increases chance of critical attacks when using weapons in 5%)
    • Tier 3. Tough Skin (passive, adds 15% defense/hit points when in dps/controller/healer role)
    • Tier 3. Battle Hardened (using this power temporarily increases your hit points in 25% and applies a regeneration that last for 10 seconds)

    Speed-Force Iconic Tree:

    • Tier 1. Lightning reflexes (passive, 10% of incoming attacks are immediately deflected/avoided)
    • Tier 1. Lightning strike (when using this the user taps into the Speed Force grabbing some electricity blasting a quick lightning punch causing moderate damage and electrifying the enemy, it can be usable on mid range returning the user to its original position afterwards, usable every 60 secs)
    • Tier 2. Phasing Attack (when using this power the user is able to change his/her vibrational frecuency attacking the enemies by going "through" them, causing severe damage every 120 secs)
    • Tier 2. Phasing Defense (when using this power the user becomes out of phase preventing all damage incoming every 120 secs)
    • Tier 3. Group Phashing Defense (supercharge, tapping into the Speed Force makes to able to make your team out of phase preventing all damage incoming for a short duration, similar to Bastion)
    • Tier 3. Speed God-mode (supercharge, using this power makes you tap into the Speed Force increasing your attack rate (both powers and weapons) for 10 seconds and also preventing interruptions/deflecting 50% of damage

    We could go on and, obviously adjust this to the real gameplay to prevent the game from getting broken and unbalanced.
    Lets say you need two Tier 1 to get to Tier 2, two Tier 2 to get to Tier 3.
    Once you pick one of those 4 iconic trees you are excluded from getting powers from the other 3 iconic trees.

    2. New Powersets.
    DCUO still needs some more powersets.
    Dark (like Nightshade, the Shade or Obsidian) is somehow similar to Light but vastly different. I can see it perfectly fit as a controller/dps powerset.
    Shapeshifting (like Plastic Man, Martian Manhunter, Elongated Man) finally departing from Nature (as that powerset is very heavily Beast Boy/Poison Ivy inspired). Changing your fists into hammers, making your body extremely durable or elastic... it would fit as tank/dps.
    Empathy (like Raven) could be a great power to heal absorving damage, splitting damage between the whole group/raid or using the incoming damage and reflect it towards your enemies. Similar to telepathy BUT focused on psychic healing/offensive skills. It would be perfect as healer/dps.

    3. Fixing some broken powersets.
    Sorcery, Electricy or Mental were awesome, now to make it work out seriously you need to clip powers, use amplified heat vision and other tricks... the magic of using these powersets is gone.
    Fix them, make them relevant again.
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  2. Fuerza Fenix Level 30

  3. Fuerza Fenix Level 30

  4. The Con Dedicated Player

    Just spit-balling here... stop me if you heard any of these already...

    FIX PvP



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  5. Hollows Active Player

    Honestly, at this point in the games life span, 8 years going on 9, I doubt very seriously anything major will be done to "fix" the game. I'd love it if they looked at bases for all main reasons they should, like upping the item limit or, having no limit at all, as an example. However, tweaks are most likely the best we can ever hope for anymore (aside from new episodes) as you'll hear the same typical responses that have been said ad nauseum over the years.

    They've now got 4 platforms to look after and once the next gens arrive, they'll be spending all their time and "our money," to convert the game to them. I'd be perfectly okay if they skipped an episode or two to address the most common asked about fixes that the community wants and or deserves. But, if they skip episodes, they'll lose out on all of that green that new TC's provide. Expect nothing major but act super surprised if anything major does happen. This way, your disappointment will be minimal.
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Sorry for slightly derailing the topic at hand, but I have to correct your misinformation. Perhaps you didn't hear when Sony announced that the PS5 would be backwards compatible with PS4. That means there won't be anything to convert. All you'll need to do is download the game and enter your log-in info to continue playing, No information has been given for the next X-box in this regard, so it's still to early to presume that anything needs to be converted.
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  7. Hollows Active Player

    You are correct. I didn't know that. Thank you for the correction.
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  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Take every player suggestion with a sizeable grain of salt? :p
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  9. Solarbound Committed Player

    After nearly 9 years of the ideas we've dumped into these threads, the DEVS should already have a pretty good blueprint of what they can do to improve this game. The big question is "Will they deliver?" Let's make something happen DEVS. 2020 needs to be a big year that truly helps DCUO evolve. NO MORE EXCUSES!
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  10. Fuerza Fenix Level 30

    Wow, I can't believe after the 30 initial minutes you are unable to edit any post... Im beyond surprised.
    So... what about allowing us to edit our own post on a larger time window?

    I had a super long post prepared but it went nowhere so ill try to pick it up... again.

    4. Custom, styles and In-game Store.

    We can all agree the in-game store is long time dead. We barely get new contents there.
    If we look back to the Alpha/Beta stages of this game we can see characters with unused/discarded styles like the Black Mason, Star Siren, The Hexagon, Defcon, The Shard, Laugh Riot or Blood Talon.
    What if Daybreak rescues those styles and make them available in the in-game store?

    Also we had some other basic styles that, for some reason, didnt make it to the final version like those:

    And then we have lots of hairstyles that were teased but never made it to us like several of the amazons hairstyles (like Artemis' long ponytail), Fatality's, Batwoman's, Nightwing's (current and original hairstyle), Lady Shiva's, Black Canary's, Circe's (new one), Supergirl's... the list is long.
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  11. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    Some new personality’s and more customization would be nice
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  12. Isif Committed Player

    Too late.;)
  13. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i hate to say it but i think this is it, i don't think these guys know how to fix any of the problems with the game. its coasting on auto pilot.
  14. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Imo they should allow us to level up abilities from the iconic tree with our SP. Not only would it give people another use for SP but it would also drive others to wanna farm more SP to do the same.

    Like imagine having 5+sp dumped into heat vision and it giving you what the solar amp artifact effect without the need of that artifact. It opens up more possibilities.

    Or what's that iconic where it makes you spin around? Think it's a super speed 1. Imagine if at the end of it you do a animation like outrage does at the end of that.

    Or just simply dump SP in them to up their damage, I'd be up for that too.
  15. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    More body types less time capsules
  16. sheriffgoff Level 30

    I think a round about polishing up is greatly needed. when you go in the broker it will at time spaz out and glitch out forcing you to exit the broker and re-enter, (these are really old issues) the mail my buy you cant mail more than 1 mail if there are items attached to it you have to exit the mail and reenter for each you wish to send.

    Your game is called DC Universe Online with the DC meaning Detective Comics but in the game we all call it DCed Universe with DCed meaning Dis-Connected. maybe thats a server problem or console issue dont know but it totally sucks. Being "DCed" can happen any time any where with out warning. most recently in the new phoenix cannon raid ( last night went it six people dropped lol new record) this happens with every que with out fail. Further on the subject of the new DLC; it is a real good dlc but full of bugs and it makes it very hard to play and enjoy. Please for the love of the video game gods and our sanity take your time with the dlc and make them perfect we will all appreciate it greatly. oh it would be nice to see less re-skinned dlc's yall know what i'm talking about too.

    if you really want to blow our minds and make some cash too then make a token to buy from the market place that will allow any player to change the color of their power set. for example my main is electric (greatest power in thr game; shut up haters) but everything is yellow; now imagine changing that to red, purple, blue hell black man that would get people excited, a red and black electrocute cloud over the enemies!!!!!!! that could make all the lantern fans out there crying about other lantern powers happy for a while. It may not change their power but they could have a black or white lantern.

    In any case forget all the haters say this game is dead or its a crap game. This game is one of the greatest MMO role playing games out there and it lasting nearly a decade is a testament to that statement. it just need to be updated and upgraded from time to time.

    thanks all
    DemonicLantern ADD ME
  17. Eve YouTuber

    I personally would love new missions to be added to the leveling system before CR. It doesn't have to add more levels, but more missions like that, surrendering your mentor choice etc, would make it more appealing and fun to play. I want to work side by side with Batman, all I do is do the dirty job for Oracle lol. I feel like the leveling missions gave our characters a purpose, on duty content makes it feel less like progress for the character.

    It's nice to have if you want to go through a specific story of DC etc. But to have something consistently to do, that rewards you some how, and make you feel like your character progress, would improve the game for me. Personal challenges, etc. We get a lot of 8+ players open world bosses etc. We should have long instances for solo or two players. Kill stuff, fight bosses, solve puzzles, discover locations, etc. That's just how I would love to see DC progress as an open world game. That's after playing games like Aion and Guild Wars 2.

    I'm sure DC can go on similar route, not completely being a copy cat, but it would make me at least want to stay online for couple hours.
  18. Legasei Well-Known Player

    I like this idea. I suggested something similar in another thread. I also suggested the removal of collection drops and the addition of elite alerts for improving the game.
  19. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    What I'd like to see is disrespectful people on these forums banned from forums, the exploiters banned from the game and no not a 2 week ban I mean a permanent ban. Because if they'll do it once they do it again.
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  20. SkullGang Devoted Player

    By making a new game with a different studio.
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