Horrible job at teaching support roles!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Please dont tell me ur glmanuel a Light troll?
  2. Seethra Well-Known Player

    Not necessarily true.
    The reason most people prefer to play DPS is because it is more forgiving than a healer or a tank.
    It's the easiest role to get into in pretty much every game.
    If your DPS is a little low: others will compensate.
    If you tank poorly, people die.
    If you heal poorly, people die.

    End result, a mindset that speaks; let's play dps, its more straightforward.
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    here's my outlook on all the support role tutorial crap, is if you have look into this game you know there isnt a tutorial for nothing lol, that you needa do your own research to become a better player. Thats why theres not many good players b/c it shows lack of willingness on their own part.

    it also shows why so many are for getting free SP' as well, less they must have to do to get in the end.
  4. Multiverse Creator League

    The game has always been lacking when it comes to teaching stuff to new players.
    Sometimes even very very basic stuff.

    Which is why some of us do videos. ;)
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  5. Multiverse Creator League

    No need to imagine.

    Loong before there was a DCUO.... there was this little game called D&D.

    In that game.... most people wanted to play the Warrior (DPS).... and no one wanted to play the Cleric (Healer).

    Then at some point D&D came up with D&D 5th Edition and trying to give a boost to Clerics to make them more appealing to players.
    They made the Cleric class very OP so that more people played as a healer.

    Sadly.... we had the same problem as we have in DCUO.... we ended up with healers who wanted to DPS and who were barely healing at all.

    Guess we had the mythic "BattleHealers" lonng before we got them in DCUO. ;)
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  6. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Truer words were never spoken. As example I was the LONE Troll on a God of Monsters Raid a while. the team included a trio of DPS with powers I knew dang well had Am combos that would allow them to generate their own power back and yet they were constantly near or at zero power available. Now add in two Healers with one using the age old technique of just constantly firing off heal after heal after heal from the time they set foot inside the mission even though no one was injured and as you can guess it was OLD SCHOOL trolling where I used a grand total of three powers from my attack tray.. POT, Power Push and my super charge which deflects damage AND provides power back. I spent the entire raid sucking down soda as fast as it became available, firing off weapon attacks to TRY and rebuild my own power and using my supply drop as fast as it became available to get power back.

    We got to the final battle and one of the HEALERS is in chat screaming at me to "DEBUFF". Okay so first of all since when does a HEALER worry about anything being debuffed? Your JOB is to HEAL and if available provide shields to prevent damage and then the obvious question which I never bothered to verbalize (who the heck had the time?) Exactly where would you like me to get the time and the extra power to start debuffing ANYTHING? Best part? when the raid ended and the scoreboard came up .. thanks to my POT doing damage along with stunning and holding mobs, and my Supercharge reflecting damage BACK onto mobs along with constant weapons fire to try to build power ... I had out damaged both healers and the lone tank.

    AT times no matter what you do... It isn't right or isn't enough
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  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Oh I agree 100% but the problem we are seeing more and more of these days is newer players that simply don't want to be bothered to learn and i am not just talking support roles... I think we have all seen them on various teams. The DPS with Am combos specifically designed to build back power and yet its like AM never existed because about 5-10 seconds into any battle their power level is at or near zero and pretty much stays there even with a troll sweat blood TRYING to build it back up. Thew worst part of that is .. it isn't even something they'd need to have some one sit down and explain to them ... READ the description for the power and it tells you exactly what you need to do for a combo to work.

    Trolls, healers and tanks get a bit more complicated and do often require finding some one willing to show you what to do to be more effective. Fortunately I had those people available and was willing to take the time to listen to their advice. These days far too many that don't want to slow down for even a second to LEARN their role properly, a lot less people willing to take a moment to teach and a bunch of players that simply view anyone giving them advice as an annoyance or as you telling them they suck.

    The game itself is NOT helping matters with instant gratifications showing up left and right... The armor in the Amazon time capsule that allowed HOW many players to open wallet and be CR 189 in one or two days and without ever even stepping inside the new DUO let alone the new raids. And now? The anniversary gift that if we take it to its extremes can allow a brand new player that just started TODAY and subscribes to create not one but TWO alts and instantly go from level 1 to CR 100. So that player never even set foot on Brainiac's ship and learned to duck and lunge but is now able to head straight to Gotham Under Siege. While i seriously doubt we will see a LOT of those in game.... Would you want to wind up on a team with a couple of them? You are headed into the Necropolis Raid and have 2 players that aren't even sure how to get from Metropolis to Gotham City yet.. yeah that should go really well :eek:
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  8. krytine Loyal Player

    And you sir prove a great point. Have a league and you wont find those kind of players
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  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    LOL I understand your pain.. I have been there where you try to offer some good advice and either get ignored or screamed at. heck I ACTUALLY had one idiot challenge me to a duel for having the nerve to try and help him learn how to troll better.. Poor guy I have that turned off so all i got was that standard message he had challenged me but I was not accepting challenges at that time.

    I don't mind helping other players out but it's true .. Its not really my job or anyone else that is PLAYING the game. We are customers and giving DCUO cash, well except for the F2Ps, for the right to PLAY the game not conduct training sessions.

    There is another sort of scary aspect to all of this that has emerged recently. The whole "support has no business in duos" along with the "6-1-1 lets just BLAST them" attitude we deal with these days have left a lot of players that actually enjoy support forced to play both roles. My main is a CR 188 Troll AND a CR 188 DPS... That requires two armories, two complete sets of gear high enough to get both roles to that rating and two entire sets or mods. And then you go out into the game and run across players that do nothing BUT DPS and admittedly do not own a single bit of support gear. Now this is just my own theory but hear me out..

    I think a number of good Trolls, tanks and Healers simply got tired of doing twice the work for 1/10 the appreciation and just stopped doing anything with the support role at all and Became strictly DPS. Well the game already had a huge DPS population to begin with so suddenly it had even more and when a difficult raid came along all of a sudden some DPS had trouble finding a team and sat watching as the healers, trolls and tanks were being begged for in LFG.

    So what did some of them do? Ran out, grabbed some Support armor, and began joining teams as the TANK, the HEALER or the TROLL. Now bear with me this is where it gets interesting and I think proves my theory. The problem is they never took a minute to even TRY to learn how to play those roles. I have seen all of the following on teams I was on:

    A troll that obviously was NOT keeping up power levels and when asked about P.O.T informed us "Oh we don't need that anyway ad besides it doesn't do enough damage" yep he spent the entire raid running around playing just like a DPS and some how just assumed that was what a TROLL was supposed to do.

    A healer that never quite got the message that 1) your attacks suck as far as damage out is concerned so just stay behind us and heal and 2) apparently never read the warning "Caution your armor provides the least amount of defense in the entire game. Jumping into a huge mob WILL result in almost instant death" Again spending far more time trying to do damage and yeah on at least two different occasions was the first to rush into a new room filled with minions and all but dive head first into a pile of them and then whine because he was dead.

    and last but not least TANKS using nothing but ranged attacks and a couple that seemed to think you tank from behind a shield comprised of your OWN team mates.

    I would shutter to even think what they did with their SP because i am guessing it was probably just a copy of the setup they have for when they play DPS. on a few of them.. absolutely no MODS at all .. because hey.. exobytes cost a lot of money and they spend that buying stuff for their DPS side. Thoose players have no clue and since most would happily switch back to DPS in a second have no intention of ever really learning their new "ROLES"
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  10. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    It will be released as a rare drop in a time capsule of course. Video tutorials for each role will be drops. Collect them all and get a 50 point feat.
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  11. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    And you do a great job at that Magnet the problem is finding the good ones can be frustrating. When the new gear we can craft arrived i was building up a supply of the salvage and wanted to get an idea of exactly how to use it. So I googled and got a list of videos on the subject. Now eventually I found a good one but not before i sat through an 18 minute long video on U Tube probably done by a guy on the test server because the entire video consisted of him accessing his inventory and donning each new piece of his fancy new crafted armor and then hovering in his lair while he had the camera slowly move around him so we could see how COOL it looked from any angle.

    NEVER said a single word and we never got near an R + D table.

    I've even had a few vids I TRIED to watch to help learn the mechanics for a new alert or raid. Quality of the film was bad so everything was blurry, the guy making the video rarely pulled back the camera so we could see what was happening with the entire team.. Just saw whatever was right in front of him. And no voice over explaining what the team was doing and what tactics they were using .. Just had on the sound and all we heard was players with mics joking and cursing. Not a whole lot of help. And then I had to sift through two others before I found one that actually helped LOL

    The GOOD vidoes like yours are great but unless a player knows to look for certain players NAMES attached to a vid they could spend an hour just trying to FIND anything that actually helps. And while I know to look for thing you did and Torikumu because see what you guys produce here.. Not everyone bothers to come to the forums so unless someone else in game tells them about your product.. they have no idea where to start looking.. And then they actually have to have the desire to sit down and watch the video and LEARN something .
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  12. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    One suggestion for the devs...

    Throw in a second armory with the $25 advance to cr100 purchase. Just saying. It might help a little with the endgame problem of sitting in a group of earth and ice DPS going, "Boy, sure would be nice if we had a tank..."
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  13. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    My electric toon is support role, but I figured it'd be generally better for my cr 100 toons to go DPS since High Cr's usually blasted right through T6.

    I'm assuming everyone else had the same idea hence why you came across this experience.

    FYI: This game never taught anyone how to do well on support roles, If you played support you had to learn it on your own or through a friend/leaguemate
  14. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I agree with the OP. People need tutorials for support roles. I've seen too many who can't troll or tank properly. Healing is more straightforward and it's a pretty popular role but the other two...
  15. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Will admit to being one of those who didn't know how to fully get the most out of their characters

    The other day Blacque was in the Anti-monitor event, doing the best she could, when someone piped up basically asking if she was even doing anything, after a snippy reply (as one does when you are doing the best you know how) two of the group (including the one who initially piped up) took the time to explain (nicely and politely) that Light Claws and Boxing Gloves were PoTs

    The thing is, outside of the Seasonal Boss events, have rarely, if ever, been in a group to learn this sort of thing, did learn in another group that PoT does not show up on the Scoreboard (found that out after using just the PoT Claws and Gloves and someone accusing Blacque of not doing her job, so started using the Power Back and that showed up)
  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Yea I agree, I was summarizing, but basically there's less pressure which equals more casual, fun play. When I tank or heal I feel the pressure to succeed more than when I'm DPS.
  17. RLManuel Committed Player

    No that is not me, my characters don't have Manuel in any of the names
  18. RLManuel Committed Player

    Since the advance to 100 happened I've seen so many people que as a healer or a troll and not play those roles, and when inspected they have on all support gear and still won't switch because they "only dps" .
  19. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Well if they advanced to CR 100 it means they never got any role gear and the gear devs give you is for one role only, just so happen they mostly don't know how to even switch roles if they are real first times.
  20. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I'll bet you anything they think the gear still works in DPS role, as it does in most MMO.