Home Turf Collections

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Johnny_Prime, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Johnny_Prime New Player

    So, I had a bookmark to the list of new collections etc. and what they award... now that bookmark takes me to the new forum default page. Anyone know where I can find this list now?
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  2. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

  3. Statman New Player

  4. Comixfan Committed Player

    Props to zChris for posting the original thread on the old forums!

    Ace Chemicals


    Ace Chemicals Safety Inspection Infractions
    1. 74-A: Toxic Checmical Pool
    2. 20-L: Pipe Leaking Lethal Chemicals
    3. 12-A: No Eye-Washing Stations
    4. 39-H: Waste Management Violation
    5. 55-A: Unauthorized Radioactive Material
    6. 83-D: Inadequate Wheelchair Access
    7. 95-K: Improperly Marked Storage Tanks
    8. 123-B: Toxic Materials Found In Ocean
    9. 41-C: Unmarked Emergency Exits
    10. 7-C: Exceeds Maximum Toxic Barrel Allocation
    Reward: Base Amenity: Soder Vendor

    Ace Chemicals Employee Training FAQ
    1. Can I dump toxic chemicals into the ocean?
    2. What if I fall into an open vat of chemicals?
    3. How do I know if I've ingested lethal chemicals?
    4. Do I really have to wear my HAZMAT suit?
    5. What do I do if my chemicals gain sentience?
    6. I have more limbs than I used to, is this okay?
    7. Can I take radioactive material home with me?
    8. Should I store chemicals in the break room?
    9. When is Bring Your Daughter To Work Day?
    10. Should we really have so many toxic barrels?
    Reward:Base Amenity: R&D Vendor

    Chemo Compounds
    1. Cryo Chemoid Residue
    2. Pyro Chemoid Residue
    3. Shock Chemoid Residue
    4. Toxic Chemoid Residue
    5. Volatile Chemoid Residue
    6. Radioactive Chemoid Residue
    7. Psychoactive Chemoid Residue
    8. Acidic Chemoid Residue
    9. Inert Chemoid Residue
    10. Unstable Chemoid Residue
    Reward: Dirt & Shovel

    Arkham Asylum


    Arkham's Personal Collection
    1. Killer Croc's Tooth
    2. Penguin's Monocle
    3. Clayface's Modeling Clay
    4. Victor Zsasz's Shirt
    5. Scarecrow's Hat
    6. Two-Face's Face Cream
    7. The Mad Hatter's Bowtie
    8. Aaron Cash's Wristwatch
    9. The Ventriloquist's Wood POlish
    10. Batman's Grapple Hook
    Reward: Base Amenity: R&D Station

    1. Orinithophobia
    2. Coulrophobia
    3. Technophobia
    4. Frigophobia
    5. Brontophobia
    6. Aerophobia
    7. Hemophobia
    8. Xanthophobia
    9. Triskaidekaphobia
    10. Chiroptophobia
    Reward: Base Amenity: Mailbox

    1. Book of Riddles
    2. Tattoo Gun
    3. Self-Help Book
    4. Disposable Cell Phone
    5. Roll of Double Headed Coins
    6. Strangely-Scented Lipstick
    7. Venom Canister
    8. The Women of Themyscira Magazine
    9. Liquid Nitrogen
    10. Crowbar Cake
    Reward: Funhouse Chair



    Steelworks Robotics for Beginners
    1. Steelworks Robotic Elbow Joint
    2. Steelworks Optic Storage Device
    3. Steelworks Communication Antenna
    4. Steelworks Composite Alloy Plating
    5. Steelworks Flight Boots
    6. Steelworks Sensor Array
    7. Steelworks AI Processor
    8. Steelworks Power Converter
    9. Steelworks Memory Unit
    10. Steelworks Processor
    Reward: Funhouse Dentist Chair

    Steelworks Research Data
    1. Research Data: Cyborg
    2. Research Data: Indigo
    3. Research Data: Manhunters
    4. Research Data: DAVE
    5. Research Data: OMACS
    6. Research Data: Metal Men
    7. Research Data: Brainiac
    8. Research Data: Red Torpedo
    9. Research Data: Skeets
    10. Research Data: Metallo
    Reward: Base Amenity: Respec Station

    Steelworks Tour Guide
    1. Steelworks: Helicpoter Pad
    2. Steelworks: Assembly Plant
    3. Steelworks: Testing Range
    4. Steelworks: Main Gate
    5. Steelworks: STAR Labs Research Station
    6. Steelworks: Safety Control Unit
    7. Steelworks: Quality Control
    8. Steelworks: Production Plant
    9. Steelworks: Plasma Reactor
    10. Steelworks: Smoke Stacks
    Reward: Base Amenity: Sparring Target

    Stryker's Island


    Medical Records
    1. Medical Record: Winslow Schott
    2. Medical Record: John Corber
    3. Medical Record: Bruno Manheim
    4. Medical Record: Rudy Jones
    5. Medical Record: Mick Rory
    6. Medical Record: Leonard Snart
    7. Medical Record: Mark Mardon
    8. Medical Record: Evan McCulloch
    9. Medical Record: James Jesse
    10. Medical Record: Gorilla Grodd
    Reward: Craps Table

    Shivs and Shanks
    1. White Toothbrush
    2. Blue Toothbrush
    3. Sharpened Fence Wire
    4. Rolled Newspaper: Soaped & Salted
    5. Chicken Wire Glass
    6. Spork
    7. Sharpened Bed Slat
    8. Scissors-blade
    9. Phillip's Head Screw Driver
    10. Flat Head Screw Driver
    Reward: Base Amenity: Bank

    Prison Library
    1. Carpentry 101
    2. Auto Repair 101
    3. How to Improve Your Resume
    4. True Crimes of Gotham City
    5. History of Greek Sculpture
    6. How to Write Your First Best-Seller
    7. Khandaq Rhythms
    8. Improving Your Mental State
    9. Poetry to Soothe the Soul
    10. Complete Legal Training in 90 days!
    Reward: Base Amenity: Broker
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  5. Starbuk New Player

  6. Johnny_Prime New Player

    Thanks everyone.