Up-Votes Needed Holy Frame Drops & Lag Batman (XBOX)

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Latino, May 9, 2024.

  1. Latino Level 30

    The lag for weeks was bad enough as it was; But since the server has been back up on XBOX, the game is almost completely unplayable for half the people on right now, EXTREME Frame Drops & Lag (completely frozen for 3-5 seconds) when opening any form of the UI; especially the inventory. This on top of the lag we've already been dealing with lately is just ridiculous. Pleeaase fix this! :(
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  2. Latino Level 30

    Follow up with examples of what's happening on Xbox after the spring event launched;

    My personal favorite.. The broken scoreboard.. From lagging so hard..
    Then clips from inside the HOL and CTE

    It's happening to other players as well and it seems to be inconsistent of who it effects; but for those it effects it's a consistent issue that doesn't and hasn't resolved it self.
    I've logged out and back in, restarted my console, I've played internal and external install on my series and I've un/re-installed.
    It's not a console issue, as its happening to other players and on both those using a X1, Series s and Series X as well and this didn't start at all till after the spring event launched. After the frame drops and lags I have had today trying to run chom, mtc, stt or just navigating the HOL I'm calling it quit till this can get looked into..
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