Ho Ho Ho-ly crap when is the event going to begin?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TechWarrior0329, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Radium Devoted Player

    I don't even understand why everyones so worked up by a seasonal...
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  2. Lemarcel55 New Player

    People are annoyed because it's the holiday season and the seasonal event isn't here. There's something that actually does get you in the mood a little with all of the decorations and holiday stuff.

    This has been a gigantic blunder on the part of the devs to tie the seasonal to a large, unwieldy, unfinished GU. Devs: please learn from this and consider releasing seasonals on their own timetables. This has been a big ol' swing and a miss for you guys.
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  3. Poetic Play Committed Player

    Some people actually really like the holidays, the feeling of it and the atmosphere it brings is joyous to people. While maybe is naive to bask in the hope and joy that the holidays bring... It also makes you very happy. And happiness is a healthy life choice!

    There's other reasons also, one important one being that people who have lots of close family, take vacations on the holidays to go visit their family. In which time they can not play DCUO.... So they essentially will miss out on the seasonal event because it is starting so late. (Not everyone was around last year, nor had the ability to spam Replay Badges at the time to get everything they wanted from it.)

    Other reasons include the PS4 solutions being in GU32, other mild changes and the power revamps. All things important to some people that are in this GU that makes them want it ASAP.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Seasonals are bonus, I just want the GU32, I could care less about a christmas tree in my base for 11 days. I would rather it be done right than rushed. The valentines event is no more thats why everyone got the feats for it already for free. I want War of the Light part 1 not a new valentines event. Many people will probably miss the seasonal but my guess since its so late it will run 2 weeks in january as well.
  5. Cybernaut21 New Player

    Well, as a paying customer, count me among the people who care. It clearly was a bad idea to bundle a seasonal event with other content, because seasonal events usually work best during said season. I started about a year ago and didn't do this seasonal content so I was looking forward to doing it this year. I was already moving away from this game after the cluster that was the T5 raids, and this seasonal content would have kept me interested, and playing, until the new dlc came out. I hope the devs learn from this mistake and in the future release things in smaller bundles and more often. I'm guessing they are still reeling from the fallout from the origin crisis abomination.

    To those who try to defend this with 'I'd rather have something late that works, etc.', you're going to end up with bugs no matter when they release stuff, so I'd rather get stuff with bugs now, than wait longer and still get stuff with bugs. And as far as those who say 'seasonals are bonus', well I guess my legendary subscription money is a bonus too...

    I do like this game, and overall I think the devs are doing a good job, but if they want this game to do well, they should listen to constructive criticism over the back patting of their yes-men. They finally realized the mistakes they made with OC and made moves to correct them. In this case, they should simply apologize for the delay, offer some sort of 'hey we're sorry for the delay' bonus, and in the future don't bundle so much stuff together and release stuff individually when it's ready.
  6. TheBirdOfSteel Committed Player

    its true , im not sure why they decide to or have to put everything into one single launch date.

    I mean one week before Xmas and thats when people start putting up xmas decorations in their lairs?
    Not to mention alot of people will be too busy over the holiday week to even enjoy dcuo that much or have the time to put in the grind to purchase the items..

    Im VERY disappointed its been this left long.

    Im no game developer but surely they could have added the decorations to the citys at any point??

    Any thoughts to why this wouldn't be possible?
  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Thanks to everyone that responded so far.

    Now let's address a few issues brought up.

    let's start with what the "Winter Event" is.... Yeah it is a winter event mainly because every business in the world these days has a set of lawyers on the "Politically Correct" watch and good lord don't insult anyone by calling it the Christmas event. Now look at the rewards we get .... CHRISTMAS TREES, ELF COSTUME, MISTLETOE ? I don't care what you want to call it that screams MERRY CHRISTMAS to the majority of the world.

    Its an event and they don't HAVE to have them.... True but then again how many other MMOs do exactly the same thing mainly because people expect them to. Also go to your menus and pull up feats and there is an actual section on EVENTS that lists what feats can be earned , If your going to advertise it .. You need to deliver Which is exactly why everyone got all the feats for a Valentine's Day that never happened last year. Feats in this game = Skill pointe which = better stats and the ability to do more with your character. Yeah a TREE in my lair will last until maybe January before I pull it back into inventory but another skill point is a gift that keeps on giving.

    I'd rather have an update with less glitches than a stupid event ... Me too but that was my point. WHY is something that will, at most, be around for 4 weeks ties into content that is permanent? At best the winter event this year has furniture that wasn't available last season ... how much testing did that require that it had to be linked to the update? Set up the event as a separate upload and start it the beginning of December, Or whatever date applies for other events.

    Tying into that .. added downtimes? I have been playing the game for a year now and so far I have seen a DLC or Update about every month. They always say it could take as much as 4-5 hours to complete but I have never seen one take more than two. Once again they are being very careful with what they promise so no player winds up on here screaming "You said it would take 60 minutes and it took 75" And after 8 years of gaming believe e there ARE players out there just that INSANE! There are how many events a year? Winter, St Patrick's Summer, Halloween, and supposedly Valentines (did I miss any?) So at MOST we are talking five or sIx added downtimes and at worst 10-12 more hours where the game is off line. Know what if 12 added hours of down time a year is so horrible you can't bare it .. You have a serious problem and may want to seek help. Just to make that point even more clear that's basically 1 hour a month on average and if you figure than average month has 30 days it works out to not being able to play about 2 minutes a day.

    Then lets address the obvious .. This game is one long grind after any player hits 30. Day in and day out we do the same things over and over in search of Marks, exobits and Skill Point. These events are a brief period when at least some of that gets pushed aside and we do something totally different and earn reward that are different than anything else we see throughout the year. Now the can become just another part of the grind depending on how many characters you try to get through all the rewards but the fact is its something different, something special and something that a LOT of other MMOs do which is exactly why DCUO does them.