Hmm..Quantum worth switching 2?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Apocalyptic Rain, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Starblast Well-Known Player

    I use mental. Maybe I'm biased cuz it was my first. but even if I switched to get feats from other powersets or whatever I would have to go back to it in the end.
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  2. legomaheggroll New Player

    Quantum is okay in terms of damage. Some of the guides out there recommend NOT going with tachyon blast which is insane to me. Tachyon Blast has the 60% modifier on it. Of course you've got to have the enduring damage mod equipped. Oblivion is crap for a supercharge to be honest. WM combo does more damage. I prefer to use event horizon because of the shield.
  3. MaxNH New Player

    F#$% my signature
  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Get your attitude in check and come back.
  5. MaxNH New Player

    My bad I just hate how people judge make the power...the power doesn't make you.
  6. MaxNH New Player

    I feel like quantum is the best if not the best power. And yes I've tried others and spent some time studying them
  7. MaxNH New Player

    I might be a new member on the forums but trust me.....I've been to FNL competed in a lot of tournaments...out dps'd alot powers...I have lots of experience. Trust.
  8. MaxNH New Player

    So trust me when I say quantum isn't a bad power.
  9. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    If I wasn't so traditional and proud of my character, I'd have switched him to Quantum when DLC7 came out.

    In terms of DPSing, I don't know how it performs. I've seen people play well with it. For controlling, though, I'd dare say it's the best power for it. Quantum Tunnelling is fantastic. The stuns are great. Everything about it fits controlling well.

    I'd say if you're willing to play controller, then try it.
  10. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    Only for tunneling!
  11. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    Quantum controlling moves.

    DPS is a little average though.
  12. DerekHale Active Player

    Quantum, for me, its the best power for Trolls.
    The dps side it's just garbage, and it's so much power hungry ... even celestial is better.
  13. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Quant is very fun with awesome animation. Was Quant since day 1 it came out but switch over to HL for a bit as I needed a change of pace and I'm a GL Junike.
    Quant for trolling is outstanding, great CC moves and how I miss Quant

    For DPS, Quant is fun and very balanced in terms of DOT, Bursts and PI. However if you're a scoreboard watcher, which personally I could care less for scoreboard, then its not a power for you as Quant doesn't have AM yet and numbers don't compare to Gadgets, Celest, Ice, etc..

    Go for it and have fun...

    Cheers, Mal