HL vs rage

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by ssJoniFoXss, Jan 9, 2015.

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  1. Serj Committed Player

    in your opinion, not everyone else's. keep that in mind and start saying it too otherwise you will get bashed everytime, it also helps to not disagree with what other ppl are saying all the time and actually listen from time to time.
  2. Serj Committed Player

    i created my own "what rage needs" thread. you don't see me going on and on about my opinions right? im not the only rage player in dcuo like you portray yourself to be. you are beneath no one and everyone is on equal grounds. once you understand that maybe you will start listening.

    more than half of this thread has been spent on arguing with the OP, pointing out his mistakes and misinformation.

    I ask you OP. what's the real point of this thread? why are you so eager to make a point to where it's entirety is wrong, as pointed out by several people in this thread, on multiple pages. more than once. over the course of atleast 17 of your 18+(im sure there will be more) threads?

    it's one thing to ask for changes but to beg? you will never get results this way, you can start by doing some research and listening to what the rest of the rage community has to say. not everyone is biased.

    start posting positive threads, and focus on what rage actually needs(NOT YOUR OPINION, EVERYONE ELSE'S), or what you think is important... atleast work it out in your head to post it properly with the right information and data before typing it in.

    If I can manage to do so, so can everyone else, what makes you so different?

    your opinions are your own, they are not absolute. you cannot force your opinion on anyone(not to mention that will be breaking forum rules) and nothing anyone says is LAW.
    so stop bickering, and be constructive, look into the situation of rage and everything that has been said so far(the good and the bad) from a level playing field and stay calm so you can respond properly. otherwise, no one will ever take you seriously OP, not in the slightest, not after 18 threads or 180 threads.

    keep all that in mind, think about it. and once you actually have something constructive to say think about how you present yourself(you have done poorly so far, to the point of embarressment).

    if you cannot get any of what was posted in this reply, then you are truely a lost cause and the community should not have commited to respond to you.
  3. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Im not a big fan of pvp i mean i love legends pvp and pve but arenas its not my story and like Spytle said most players prefer pve then pvp.
    My question is why devs nerf rage prec buffs and bereserk and make rage totaly trush at pve if most of ppl dont even play at pvp ?I bet its becouse few pvp baby cry who have no idea how to play ?To be honest for pvp i prefer shooter games and if there is not many ppl who like DCUO pvp why devs nerfing rage to lvl where people cant stand it and they prefer to change power ?The anserw can be only one - money.
    If im correct devs gona change rage in few months and make is good as ather powers or even better just to make money on power tokens or should i say years coz we gona have new powers i bet they gona be overpowered at start and then screw up to lvl where noone like is anymore just like rage was.
    Why we have test server becouse it looks like real testing is on life server its totaly not profesional (devs should not nerfing anything once its on life server do it on test u gona loose less players )
    This game never gona be balance becouse its good bussines to make one power better then ather witch is stupid and greedy.
    "Free to play yours way " i bet its how devs plays with comunity .
  4. Saybro Committed Player

    I've gone from DW, to HB, to MA. Im only going to stay with MA because that grind is real for the weapon lol.
  5. Serj Committed Player

    the nerf to bloodlust was global, carnage(nature) reinforce(earth) and annoint(celestial) work the same way by increasing only 15% vs the old 45%

    if you don't like where this game is heading why play it? either go home or learn to adapt.
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  6. TDSK Committed Player

    I can't even.... What?

    You're comparing completely different powers, or posting fake facts about powers.

    Don't compare Plasma Retch to Chompers. Chompers is a burst power with a minor DoT attached to it. Plasma Retch is a channel power that can be Jump-Cancelled at the expense of losing all of its damage. A better comparison would be to a power like Fear Gas.

    Also, if you're going to compare Hard Light's Reflect to anything in Rage, compare it to, I don't know, Redirected Rage? Sure, Redirected Rage in PvE can't take any hits, but it's more in line with HL Reflect than Relentless Anger.

    Also, Rage Blast is used by Tanks. Look at Oan Survival Mode (I took my break when Trigon Survival was out, so I don't know if there were two bosses at once). Tanks split the bosses, so they had to use Rage Blast.

    Also, Hard Light and Rage don't share the same mechanic. Both may combo, but they are vastly different. All combo powers are different. Rage does a "Precision Finisher" (that's what I call them) to it's might power. Celestial purifies/corrupts its mirror power from the other tree. Earth (even though no one uses aftershock in dps) just does Precision versions of its initial power. And Hard Light combos into another power, but it can be from Range or Melee. Hard Light is not a "Melee AM" like you say.

    I'm not saying all of your points are wrong, but many of your points are not based on fact, they are used only to make Rage look weak and pathetic, when in reality it isn't.
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  7. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    U have no idea how blodlust was before for sure not 15 % vs the old 45 % from 2000 prec to 400 is 500% decrese .Dude if u wana test it for real make yours rage im gona play any power u choose (any but celestial coz its same bad as rage)come at test server and cheack final score how "bad dps " u are coz it looks like u wana argue with facts .
    About leaving game many of my friends quit becouse those "greedy balancing" im staying coz i have many toons and to be honest idgaf whitch power gona be screw today and witch one tomorrow but i dont play that much as i play before becouse like i said many ppl quit and there is no fun like it was before without those ppl.
    Well u should anserw yourself u wana have game where most things are profesional (specialy if u pay for it) or u wana have never ending balancing BS like we have now .
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  8. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    My point with plasma reach was about the cc effect and that he don't get high wm benefit hit
    Again also if I compare fear gas he have also a cc effect and high hit from wm benefit ( it was only an example for the power )
    But thx !
    About rage shield I didn't compare that one cuz I was talking about pvp and rage shield work bad on pvp And also take 15% of power
    About rage blast Ye at the first ppl thought its a good power for tank survival mode but if u look after tank get better skill to use general and for survival mode .
    About rage finisher first of all most of time u will use only might one cuz u play range more ( pve dps )
    About second hit its right that is the only prec finisher but like is benefit he have his weakness ( can be block )
    But I didn't talk about him till now cuz for me he is balance skill
  9. That guy New Player

    Oh god, they are multplying! :eek:
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  10. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    A lot of ppl think the same and only few ppl don't agree..
    ppl already told me that they give up on forums cuz of community
    u guys who didn't agree with rage idea that can work great btw..
    Are the one who never agree with anything but yours..
  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Rage needs a power back mechanic to be more effective, HL, Gadget, Mental, Ice, Nature, all have it. Rage needs something to help with its high power burn.
  12. Serj Committed Player

    give me a toon name and we can run a duo, and we'll see. :)
  13. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    ppl already talk how much HL is op ..
    Now I don't have an problem with his dmg ( I'm rage..)
    But as the second lantern in game and the second prec base and the only one who can compete A real prec melee combo
    Rage is by far on dmg and cc effect as dps role ...
    For the ppl who will say there not the only one who have skill from melee .. Ye I know but they are the only one who have prec skill from melee ..
  14. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Plasma Retch doesn't lose damage when jump cancelled.
    Of all powers that effectively use WM rotations, Rage is 2nd last by power burn, last being Celestial. Unless, of course, people spam DW or 1h.
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  15. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    So what if plasma reach can be cancel by jump ..
    Fear gas animation is faster ... Chompers can be clip .. They still get high wm benefit hit ..
    And btw fear gas have higher dot dmg ( cuz he's might base I think )
    U are so mistaking... Rage one of first today who need power back ...
    Learn rage dude ...
    Fire get power back , ice get , mental get , gadget get , quantum will have ..
  16. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    If you want add a CC effect to Plasmic Retch and increase its damage. Ask if you can it unjumpcanceable and you have to sit through the entire animation.
    These 3 powers do not have power back, why? Because it is not part of their AM. Quantum, Fire, Ice, Mental and Gadgets have one thing in common, they have to set up something and use a power to deal massive damage. These 4 powers listed AM's ARE NOT THE SAME TO THESE SO STOP COMPARING THEM. 2 of their AM's are pet related, and the other 2 are Combo. Want power back? Care to give up the ability to combo?
    • Sorcery
    • Earth
    • Celestial
    • Rage
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  17. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    Let me show u how u wrong .. Mister "I know all"
    First of all I was talking about first hit of plasma reach after using wn combo
    Plasma reach get very low benefit dmg and yes he need cc effect ..
    Do u see chompers problem?!.. No why - chompers animation is one sec .. And Can be clip .. With cc effect .. With high wm benefit combo
    The dot dmg of plasma reach is fine and btw in the end u get 7/8 plasma reach dot dmg .. Go compare number with chompers.. And dmg ( with same state ) Tell me who win ..
    About power back mechanic again Yes rage need power back why
    Cuz is loving to eat power ...cuz his mechanic..
    Why the power u said don't have power back .. I'll tell u why..
    Cuz earth/sorc don't have the new am mechanic they get another old one of pet mechanic ( u will see it changes... )
    Celes and rage still didn't get update...
  18. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    You are comparing 2 different things and asking them to be balanced. That would be like comparing shotgun to a rocket launcher and asking for the Shotgun to have its range increased because a Rocket Launcher can hit from far away.
    Nothing that is interrupt able should have a CC effect especially ones like Panic. Ruins the whole point of a vulnerability window.
    Again, if you are eating power and still doing weak damage [According to you] you are doing something wrong, especially considering that Rage is a prec/might power.
    Let me say this slowly and simply. Channeled powers such as Plasmic Retch does not benefit from WM combo crit. Because? Repeat it with me, because it is channeled. Chompers are not a channeled power, Fireburst initial hit does not benefit from WM combo? Why? Come on you can do it, because it is channeled. Sorcery's Final Ruin does not benefit from WM combo why? Come on, one more time because it is channeled. Can you please stop comparing 2 different things and asking for things to be balanced between them?
  19. Serj Committed Player

    as people have stated before, chompers and plasma retch are not comparable because they don't work the same, chompers is not a channel power while plasma is you just jump cancel it so it doesn't seem like it, but it's a channel power nontheless.
    will you stop already with this self promotional BS you keep spreading? why is it that everytime someone corrects you in a post where you are infact, wrong, he is wrong instead?

    hate to burst your bubble but... YOU HAVE BEEN ACTING LIKE A KNOW IT ALL FROM THE GETGO. and 18 threads later you are still acting like nobody else has an opinion over yours. this is a PUBLIC forums, you don't own it, you don't even own this thread.

    so stop acting like you know everything, own everything and have the last say in everything, because you don't... no matter how many threads you make you will not have it.

    try to think before you type something, you are breaking the forum guidelines everytime you start.
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  20. TDSK Committed Player

    I did type it wrong, Plasma Retch doesn't lose its damage. Thanks for pointing that out.
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