HL new Combo AM ¿GUIDE?

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Lantern Jild, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Comparing numbers pre GU 47 may not be the best way to go about things. Considering the NPC match type may have changed and had other affects. The numbers may be slightly different. That doesn't mean necessarily nerf. Just that their different or are slightly different.

    I'm hitting in a similar range for most abilities. Although I've noticed lower damage numbers than some previous. My overall range is similar to where I'd end up. It's a massive adjustment for everybody across the board. However, it's like having the math wrong in an equation but still finishing with the correct answer.
  2. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    What are you guy's CR in content compared to your friends? A 1 cr difference is a 10% damage difference between you and players. You now have to factor in CR of the NPC, your CR, your stats, and other players CR.
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  3. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Let them play out on high health enemies, go right into the heavy burst (Fan/GH/close range Impact/close range Ram) if it's a low health add.
  4. MrB Dedicated Player

    I'm 114 and other peeps were also 114.

    I think we need to really change how we use the AM with HL after gu 47.
  5. Revoemag Committed Player

    Is it just me or is the 8% from relentless precision a major Nerf to hl players. Befor we had 450 bonus to precision..at 8% that's only like 300 bonus if you have 4000 precision..you would need over 5500 precision to be even near 450..

    And to be honest I'm not even sure if the mod is working at all, my damage has been garbage since this update, and I know its not me.
  6. MrB Dedicated Player

    Yeah the neck mod got nerfed by more than 130 prec on average. My damage has been really inconsistent.most of my melee are hitting between 15 and 25k while ranged are hitting between 2k and 4k with rare crits from fan, ram and impact around 20 k.
  7. megamanzero Loyal Player

    does anyone know exactly how the 3 second grace period works? if i refresh the weapon buff and power interaction does that fall under the period or will i lose damage?
  8. Delta796th Loyal Player

    You will not have grace period by doing this. You can use utility belt items or get interrupted you will have grace period. If you stop combo by missing a combo or to hit a tray power you lose AM and start back at zero.
  9. Del Maestro Well-Known Player

    I just switched to HL. Ive been a lot of different powers recently and just spec'd precision. I first went with earth and sorc and was killing it in the duo. But then again, i never really noticed the difficulty of the duo. It always seemed so easy with any power i used. Now that im HL i cant get thru it. I see all the combos and loadouts but im always getting interrupted and stunned. I cant even make it thru a full combo without having to start all over again.

    I really wanted to give HL a shot and was even surprised when i saw what DPS numbers i was hitting on the sparring targets but in content, i feel extremely underpowered. Its probably that i just have to get use to the power itself, but do you guys have any tips for me? This was never an issue before. i was beating catwoman with ease back when i was 160, but now, im 166 and feel squishy as hell and basically a sitting duck.

    Would it be wise to try and use the channeling mod instead of max damage?
  10. Delta796th Loyal Player

    I wouldn't give up max damage for emp channeling, but that's just me. What rotation are you using? Are you going melee / range or mix n match? It's more likely since with Sorcery your Fury is often drawing her fire (not you) you simply don't know how to correctly do this fight and are struggling.
  11. Del Maestro Well-Known Player

    I mix and match with melee and range. For melee i use claw all the way thru then hold claw into ram fan back to claw. For range i use light blast mini gun ram fan impact lightblast. In this fight i usually just burn catwoman down quick, but i feel like im on my *** the whole fight doing no damage. Ive used almost every other power in this duo except for nature electric and celestial and honestly, HL is the only one that i really struggled with. But, i started getting it once i switched out the 3 henchmen for a sidekick.
  12. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Try using swing > Boxing for Catwoman
    Fan claw hclaw swing Boxing it is a knock back that hits a wee harder but you aren't in her face like fan claw rotation
  13. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    I usually run in and pull out henchman press start put in pumkin pull out pumpkin press start and use dps trinket then break out trinket pull catwoman towards the door and jump past her and turn around. The less adds u hit the less seem to attack u.

    I use the mele infininty combo in there but you get the death glitch with the baseball bat in there.

    Light is off and I don't care wut anyone says.

    3 main reasons why

    Neck mod
    Mele damage doesn't scale

    Fix these and then it wouldn't be bad

    Then lets add that other powers are way more mobile and they burst way more. Then lets add that other powers that have channeled damage actually hit harder.

    I'm 168 troll /167 dps wit all 8 mods both roles and 265 ap and I have all my precision 8.3 mods.

    My dislikes are - I don't like the way u have to wait for minigun and lb it's just dumb and if it's going to stay like this they need to hit harder.

    Overall I just want them to fix weapons so they can get to nature and electric then get to light and rage.

    People just better speak up when it's time. You know it doesn't shape up to other powers and if you wnna actually compete stick to ur guns.
  14. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    Yes light is off
    They just need to bring back power clipping for HL without loosing damage an am
    problem solved!!!
  15. Shifty Committed Player

    So, I don't DPS to much anymore, but I've been reading the comments here. So is it even worth using the buff and Chompers anymore? Besides to start the rotation anyway, should I just spam infinite combos?..
  16. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Best post in this whole guide....-
  17. Quiksliver New Player

    My toon has been all most only hard light only since it droped. Yea it's had it's good and bad times dps wise . Sure I miss the ran snap trap fan to chompers and repeat . How ever that's not what it is now. learn how to use it in the new dcuo or dont play with the power . As a hl dps I out dps over half the player base and keep up with the best of the player base because I use what they give me to its fullest. Stop complaining about a power just because it's not top dps. It's just fine where it is for those who can use it .
  18. Miljas New Player

    Just coming to HL...could you guys give some tips on the rotation and such, I know it does not top the DPS charts and that is fine with me, I just like the power it self. Thanks ( DPS BTW)
  19. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    What is wrong with the neck mod? The neck itself works (effect).

    Or are you just stating you don't like how it works?
  20. Ready2Rise Level 30

    I just switched back to hl after a brief break with gadgets and some scorecard chasing! Must say it was neat being competitive with the other powers but I love light. First day back I constantly get kicked from groups in favor of the other powers and that pisses me off. (Raweyal usps) Light isn't entirely bad but it needs a buff still smh. Either in speed or actual damage or increase the amount of precision across the board for everyone. I believe you can max out around 7100 base right now at 168 with base mods and elite affinities. How about a flat increase of about 800 to 1000 to precision overall. Oh and the neck mod I think would be better if it would stack like escalating might but can be maintained if the combos were kept up. Or make it increase our crit chance by 5-10%.