HL DPS that are concerned for GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rasta, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Rasta Committed Player

    A few weeks ago I commented on a thread that claimed HL was "Dead" come GU36. What I posted was along the lines of:

    "The great thing about being a community is that there are players out there that will find a temporary means for you to DPS until WM is released"

    Yesterday, Kaiser put up a video demonstrating exactly that. The combo is extremely easy and the numbers are adequate

    This really goes to show how patience is key. Temporary relief has been found
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  2. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Hey another cookie cutter load out.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    There have been several changes done, I doubt this is the winner.
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  4. Rasta Committed Player

    I am in no way saying that this is the best. But it is better than some of the combos I've seen
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  5. TheGrimeyOne New Player

    It's a pretty bland rotation imo, HL is still far from being finished... Side note, the devs stated that rage, HL and celestial will note be able to utilize WM like the other 9 classes can
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    So? When Light first came out, players said it was the worst damage power. A few players figured out how and then suddenly everyone used their system. What would be different?

    jr1nc showed a few good combos in the test thread.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    That's because it will only crit buff the first attack in the combo. Most of the precision combo powers do their big hits in the white damage. So it's fair to say that might powers would utilize it better than the combo ones.
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  8. Deepeess New Player

    The complainst were made before the changes, and even the person in the video
    complained about it, why? because the way it was, it was garabage.
    Not its a bit better but no where close to where it used to be,
    Complaining here its what get things done,
    Why do you think a armorie only costs 600sc instead of 800sc?
    Why do you think the promething lockboxes are dropping every 6hours of game play(on the same char)
    instead of 10? Why do you think the consumables were put back on the Prom. Boxes?

    Because we complained here and voiced our concerns,but thats not to say you should complain about
    everything like fos 3 being too hard(lol) ,but if we just sit back and watch a lot of bad
    things can happen.
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  9. TheGrimeyOne New Player

    That is one of the reasons, but It's also because those powers don't use weapon attacks with their rotations as frequently, aside from HL prior to JC nerf. Using a weapon attack with HL, Celes or rage would require you to let the animation of the precision combo to complete instead of clipping it thus lowering the classes dps.

    But I'm glad the devs realized this and acknowledged it in the gu36 thread
  10. Rasta Committed Player

    I complained out FOS 3 being too hard?
  11. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Preach it brotha!
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Yep, classes like Light, Celestial, and Rage wouldn't need them as they are already encompassing their combos. Which makes me wonder about the future when they add unique methods to existing powersets. What would that do to the powersets themselves.
  13. TheGrimeyOne New Player

    I just hope they are balanced with the risk of getting CCed, interrupted of vulnerable to block much like celestial, HL and rage's combo mechanics are. It may not be a big deal in Pve, but in pvp, it can really throw things even more off balance
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  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Keep in mind people thought day 1 test was the final product and thought it was the end of the world, unsubbing from the game based solely off footage and not having even played themselves, more or less so just hopping on a bandwagon because it seemed popular. The developers still need to do a pass at damage and eventually, how damage will ultimately split (as right now they are planning for what I think is simplicity until other things are worked out, to have everything split on two enemies).

    It's still nice to see people working at finding new rotations for their power set and always interesting. I just hope the final product here isn't more cookie cutter loadouts. Personally I don't use cookie cutter loadouts unless I actually prefer the way it plays, not because of raw numbers because I enjoy actually being different. I enjoy seeing other people's loadouts which is why on the thread I made asking about unorthodox sorcery loadouts I specified "no-cookie-cutter" loadouts.
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  15. Deepeess New Player

    Not you, it was someone else, there was someone asking for nerfs to prime as well.
    it was just to point out things that shouldnt be complained about,
  16. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    There will be better combos. Today we got another HL update, so I'll try to upload another combo later hehe
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  17. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    I'll be waiting to watch:)

    Even though im not HL:p
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  18. pyroshade13 Committed Player

    This is pathetic. "Temporary means for you to Dps"? WHAT??? WM is so forced its funny.
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  19. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    It really is. Pretty much buy this DLC so you can use this "new" combat mechanic.
  20. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    Please, someone power me up in the test server just 10 min lol xDD I've been there for 1h30 and it's a dead zone :D