HIVE Defender Query

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Domana, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Domana Well-Known Player

    Can anyone confirm that they have received the HIVE Defender shoulders, waist, or feet recently? These are the last pieces I'm missing, and I know of at least one other person who is missing these exact three pieces as well. Just wanted to see if it was an odd coincidence or if the loot tables are messed up.

  2. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    They are out there. But it doesn't matter. Don't waste the replay badges or time unless you are just really head strong about finishing it. Spytle and Mepps confirmed tonight that Hive Defender will be made more available in the near future. Kind of how they did the whole Avatar Infiltrator style recently.
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  3. Domana Well-Known Player

    Awesome, thanks. I wasn't grinding them, but I did want to know that I wasn't running HIVE for nothing from time-to-time.
  4. Quick Fire Active Player

    My wife received the Hive feet (for the feat) from The Star Labs weekly reward box probably a little over a month ago.
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  5. Quick Fire Active Player

    Keep in mind only four of the pieces are actually in the Hive alert. the other four have to obtained from weekly t2 alert reward boxes.
  6. Domana Well-Known Player

    I remember. I'm just too lazy to type it all out. And of the T2 alerts, I only really despise running HIVE. Trauma from when the alert first hit and we were still massively undergeared.
  7. TheLoneLantern New Player

    i can confirm all but the shoulders.
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  8. Quick Fire Active Player

    oh I remember...Good Times :)
  9. Quick Fire Active Player

    I missed this, where did they confirm it? this is great news!!
  10. No Aywok New Player

    Shoulders dropped for me about 3 months ago, the waist I got roughly a month before that.

    I am missing the feet.
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  11. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Confirmed during the FNL podcast. :)
  12. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Waist today, shoulders couple of months ago.
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  13. Domana Well-Known Player

    So, some good information came off of a FNL podcast? Huh. May need to start watching these again.
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  14. Quick Fire Active Player

    "is nice"
  15. Rasta Committed Player

    I'm kind of happy and said about this at the same time. I really want it to drop more often but I don't want it to be handed out so everyone can get their hands on it.

    When they post it on youtube you think you could give me a time on the video so I can hear this for myself?
  16. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Very beginning with in 7 minutes or so of it starting. It was during the "Ask DCUO" segment they do at the beginning of the show.
  17. Ny Batteri Well-Known Player

    I don't like how they have taken away the fun out of looking for styles. They did it with Avatar and now doing it with Hive. I'm ok with content being changed for people who complain about not wanting to grind but at least leave somethings for those who enjoy the hunt.
  18. Quick Fire Active Player

    Well these styles have been virtually unattainable for years now. Players have grinded and grinded these styles. We know where they are, just can't get them. As they make these available, they should consider replacing them with other rare styles in newer content.
  19. Domana Well-Known Player

    There is a difference between hunting and things that just plain don't drop. There are a lot of players who have hunted, spent replays, and so on and have every other feat in the game besides HIVE Defender. That seems a little ridiculous to me.
  20. Ny Batteri Well-Known Player

    They used to be attainable on the auction house until players complained that prices were too high. They are there; they just don't drop as often as we may like. I'm ok with that.

    I like the idea of rotating more rare styles. Give me something to do that doesn't involve stats. I'm tired of all the talk about CR, mods and Dpsing.