Hitchhiker's Guide to Surviving Griefers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eleckzar, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Eleckzar New Player

    First mission last night where I was surrounded by at least 5 level 30 villains who were blocking my progress in the mission. Any suggestions to get past? I'm only level 24 so fighting them is not going to work. Even if I try to divebomb the objectives I get pulled in by some power.
  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Open the recent chat tab and change phases.
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  3. MercPony Devoted Player

    Have you tried pve phase (if you are in pvp phase currently)? Go the Watchtower/Hall of Doom and use the phase shifter to go to pve phase. Much easier leveling there than pvp phase. You take risks like running into gankers and griefers when leveling in pvp phase.
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  4. Eleckzar New Player

    Thanks, didn't know I could phase out of PvP. Is it a one way trip or can I come back once I'm leveled up enough?
  5. MercPony Devoted Player

    You can go back any time you want freely :)
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  6. Eleckzar New Player

    So what's all the talk about PvP and PvE equipment?
  7. Twilight Man New Player

    Welcome to the forums Eleckzar
    • Like x 1
  8. Chicago Bull New Player

    PVE armor is for anything dealing with NPCs such as raids, missions, alerts , solos and duos.
    Edit: You will be shown where this is bought; ( I believe)

    PVP armor is for arenas and the pvp phase if wanting to fight; Tier 1 can be bought in the Watchtower/ Hall of Doom; after reaching lvl 30 in cash;
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  9. Archsprite Well-Known Player

    They are distinct -- PVP gear will have a "Toughness" stat, PVE will have a "Defense" stat. Your PVP weapon will do no damage in a PVE instance.
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  10. Eleckzar New Player

    Oh, so I'll have to buy a new weapon if I shift phases?
  11. Chicago Bull New Player

    Depends on the situation; PVP Weapon Vendors are located near the PVP Armor Vendors. (Only lvl 30 can use)

    If in PVP phase you can use any PVE armor or weapons since you are still and can do missions during that phase.

    You just can't use PVP stuff in solos, duos, alerts and raids.
  12. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I won't tell you how long it took me to figure out pve/PvP phase. All the way though 30 I thought I was stuck in PvP. This was back in the day when there was actually villains. Been taking it out on them ever since.
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  13. Eleckzar New Player

    I've been skirting missions the whole way to 24 as there are always level 30 griefers that stake out mission areas.
  14. KidVicious93 Well-Known Player

    Level 30s keep healing npcs in pve....
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  15. Hraesvelg Always Right

    One of the great joys in life. We like to roam Metro Battlezone and find some hero bounties.
  16. SlipAncDC Active Player


    Since no one really explained the difference between PvE gear and PvP gear in depth allow me the chance.

    So let's talk about PvE stuff.

    So the most basic thing you'll need to know -if you don't already is that PvE means Player Versus Environment.
    For some reason a certain group of people thing the 'e' stands for 'Everyone'. o_O:rolleyes:

    Now, In PvE your main focus is clearing content such as Khandaq, Nexus of Reality, The FOS variants etc etc.

    To complete these instances, you'll need PvE gear, which can be found in the Watchtower/Hall Of D000000000000000000m (doom)..........(sorry :L )

    Some Examples of PvE gear:
    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]

    (None of the photos used are mine btw)

    Check out the link below if you need some info on gearing correctly.

    Right, so as you should have probably figured out by now, whilst in the PvE phase you can't be attack by enemy factions, which is great and all, but those bastards can still heal your enemies, which in turn would be their friends.

    On the plus side however, if you're doing a mission where you need to revive/help fallen alies, the guys over in the opposing faction can help by knocking them out in the first place for you to help them up again.

    Also, in PvE you focus mainly on raising your CR through farming and modding gear.

    That's all I can think of besides what's in the link I posted to help you understand how PvE is set up.
    Oh before I forget, dueling isn't limited to either phase, and as of recent, you need pve gear to be effective in pve instances and pvp gear for pvp instances, they can't be used disrespectfully !

    Alternately, there's PvPness.

    PvP stands for Player Versus Player.

    Some examples of Pvp Gear:
    [IMG] [IMG]

    The complete (for the most part) of PvE.

    You can fight any and everyone you find flying/running/derping or just standing there looking at literally nothing in the PvP phase and of course, they can beat the **** out of you, so be careful.

    PvP gear focuses more on Toughness than anything else so be sure to check for that when buying your gear.

    Toughness = PvP
    No Toughness = PvE

    Moving on,

    Pvp instances are, but not limited to:
    • Arenas - Here you fight using the gear you've struggled and grinded to achieve against other actual players who've done the same. Since this is the internet, gear isn't as significant as it should be, so you pretty much can and will stumble upon someone who has high end Pvp gear and you can lay waste to them with your T1 pvp gear, yea, it happens.
    • Legends PVP - Probably the most fun of the two in my opinion. Here you can play as your favorite iconic character such as batman, robin , Wonderwoman, Superman, lex Luther and The joker, just to name a few. Everyone is basically on a level playing field as far as consumables and trinkets go. The powers are really nice but you can find your self playing as bane and get you *** kicked by some level 16 who's standing in the back holding range and playing robin :mad:.
    On and also, during either of these instances, you'll be fighting usually in iconic areas, such as Batman's cave, complete with a batmobile or bat android things to fight off your enemies with.
    I'm not a PVP buff so this is probably as far as I can go.
    Basic stuff for either phase :
    Run content > Get marks > Buy Gear > Mod Gear.
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  17. Eleckzar New Player

    Would give more likes if I could! Thanks a lot!
  18. Ice Lantern New Player

    They really need to make the phase shifter a more common loadscreen tip for those leveling up.
  19. Bruherd New Player

    GOD, those are ugly.

    Who thought those designs were a good idea???
  20. Archsprite Well-Known Player

    I don't know who thought them up, but personally, the Healer chest with attached cape is one of my favorites (although mine has a Z on it mwhahaha ;) ).