HH Elite Drops

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lights Derp, May 19, 2015.

  1. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Question for people that have been running HH Elite.

    Last night a couple of my league mates got 110 drops from the 1st and 2nd boss, these were "visible" pieces IE. Feet, but they weren't tagged elite and didn't have the set bonus listed. We assumed that it was only the main 8 pieces that were elite tagged as I had previously gotten a weapon, and someone else had gotten a ring, and these pieces didn't have the tag.

    So my question was our loot glitched? Or are the "elite" tagged 110 pieces only dropping from Lashina/Stompa/Black Adam?

    Just trying to see of my league mates should submit a ticket to get this fixed.

    Thank you.

  2. ChuckLess New Player

    I thought the "elite" gear was 112 o_O
  3. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

  4. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    They're 110, the difference is they're supposed to have a set bonus for 4 pieces equipped and 8 pieces equipped.
  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Only the 8 pieces of elite gear:

    Are labeled Elite.

    If you get a weapon, ring, neck, those are just plain 110 items, same as HH regular and NGN.
  6. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    That's what we thought.

    So the feet our second tank got from the first boss were glitched. I'll get him to submit a ticket.

    Thank you.
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  7. Elusian Crowd Control

    This! Best anwer ;)
  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    But those non-armor pieces still drop in Elite? That's ... not so cool..
  9. Elusian Crowd Control

    Yepp pretty often actually. They feel like 102 trash drops :(