HH Elite Completed Potential Server First

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hyper RL, May 14, 2015.

  1. Hyper RL Level 30

    As far as I know this is USPC server first completion, I havent seen anything on the forums about anyone else completing it yet, either them not caring about posting it or whatever the case is, but again as far as I know this is server first. If not, no big deal, we now know how to handle the raid and we can now put it on farm status and get it done consistently within 30 min.

    I will have Last boss event up on my channel HyperLoK Gaming if you care to watch it, as well as, the first boss and the second bosses.
  2. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Grats man!

    I wonder how many people are salty from the competence definition?
  3. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    The Revolution from EUPS did it yesterday as well. I was hoping the Elite raid to not be beaten in only 2 days, it's a bit dissapointing :(. Gratz nevertheless.
  4. Sarcasm Committed Player

    Why are you disappointed? They did a good job . They know how to communicate with each other well .
  5. SkullGang Devoted Player

    The Elite version to be beaten that quick though ? Hopefully they all had CR's above 120-122.
  6. Sarcasm Committed Player

    Well that just proves some are better than others .
  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If the dps was quantum, and it's been confirmed that it's doing almost twice the damage with max damage hand mod, isn't it kinda cheesy? But if you did it w/o broken quantum, GJ
  8. Targetmaster Well-Known Player

    Congrats guys, really good time for the 1st time you finished as well. Great job.
  9. Targetmaster Well-Known Player

    We did it with solo heal cr 118, solo troll cr 119, 2 dps at cr 119 2 dps at cr121, 1 tank at CR120 and 1 at cr121.
    Looking at this vid they had some guys under 120 too.
  10. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    I'm dissapointed because the Elite version of HH was beaten in two days, like I said in the post you quoted.
  11. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

  12. Hyper RL Level 30

    Congrats on your accomplishment as well Target. I wouldnt mind if they buffed this raid or maybe added some more mechanics to it. I mean now we are going to go in there and do it in 30 min haha, as im sure your groups will as well.