Hey Devs, I have a suggestion for the Paramilitary outfit style

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Star King, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. Star King Active Player

    I was wondering 2 things. Firstly, is it possible for you guys to make the sleeves on the chestpiece a little longer to cover the rest of a characters arms? Secondly, would it be possible to change the emblem location from the front to the arms like an armpatch? The reason I ask is because the current emblem location looks off because emblems look to big on the front. Or maybe it's possible to scale down the emblem size so that it fits inside that sqaure section on the chest?
  2. Eve YouTuber

    They said in the past they don't go and update older styles (Unless It's the ones they pick for Anniversary event), there are a few old styles that are still broken, for example there is a leg style that if you don't wear it with it's matching chest the character has no neck etc.
    Good suggestion overall, maybe if they remake this style or something similar, but doubt they will go back and fix it.
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    my biggest problem with that particular outfit has always been the boots. the male version are spot on, but, for some unknown reason, the female boots are completely different, & terrible. same with the Bombshell Harley boots. great on the male, awful on the female. sadly, as Zoe rightly points out, the chances of them going back & doing something about it now are slim, at best.
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