Here's some food for thought

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Punisher 4-31, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. Punisher 4-31 New Player

    So with the increase in the cost of gear and premium + F2P not being able to buy T6 gear. My question is this, how many of the premium and F2P players buy other video games? and correct me if I'm wrong, but new video games like COD and BF all cost around 60 bucks? and these games come out about every 6 months.

    How many of the premium players and F2P players buy both COD and BF games so they can play with friends?

    The thing is you're more willing to up to $240.00+ (DLC's and other content) per year for games that go stale within a few months because you've maxed on leveling up or doesn't have much play-ability (*cough* COD Black Ops *cough*), and an additional $49.99 per year to play online. Also you purchase DLC's for DCUO which is roughly $100.00 to own all 10 DLC's (once DLC 10 comes out).

    But you aren't willing to purchase a year subscription to DCUO for $119.00, which equates to 9.99 a month.

    I'm not the smartest person nor do I claim to be, but it seems better to waste money and complain. This just my observation and maybe helping people see a different perspective. Since humans by nature are resistant to change.
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  2. Drakonicus New Player

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  3. Punisher 4-31 New Player

    yeah I saw that right after I posted this. But it still something to think about none the less. Because it just doesn't seem logical to spend more money and complain rather than look at the situation and see what works best for yourself (not you personally lol)
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  4. YangZero New Player

    As a premium player with $150+ dollars invested in DCUO, I can only speak for myself & my real life friends, the only COD I have ever purchased on console is MW3, I don't buy dlc packs for COD games nor my RL friends do, my real life friends stopped at black ops 2 with no dlc's, as for Battlefield we got Battlefield 3 with premium & we're gonna get Battlefield 4 with premium for PS4 when we get our hands on a PS4, on a side note, none of my real life friends like DCUO, only me. As for the premium players my best guess is that they have at least 1 COD iteration probably with some dlc, but to imply that all premium players are wasting money on other games but crying about this one is taking it a little too far. COD games are indeed a waste of money, hence why I only got MW3, Battlefield on the other hand is worth the investment (for those that like FPS shooters). As always it's just my opinion, action FPS games and super hero mmo's are completely different games, I happen to like both, but to each their own.
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  5. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    This has been changed. It was a mistake due to an automatic fill type program. Jens said they are going to go back and correct the prices so that premiums will be able to purchase all of the gear.
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  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    yup, Mods should lock this thread up so people don't get confused....
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  7. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

  8. DG-MOD-04 New Player


    This issue has been resolved. Thanks!
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