Help With My Catwoman Style

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by PrizmPotter, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. PrizmPotter New Player

  2. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Looks good so far. I think you can also wear the Catwoman goggles with the slimline mask that covers most of the face or the Batman cowl. Additionally there's some high market buckle boots that look okay with this style too. Finally there's also the belt.. bandito, cat burglar and the one shown in the video below are my personal favorites.
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  3. PrizmPotter New Player

    Thanks so much, I do currently have the whip belt, but I'll try to get the cat burglar and maybe purchase bandito. The shoes I think look most like hers are really the Midnite Shoes but right now I'm trying Gadgeteers boots. If you have any other feet style suggestions it would be appreciated! :D
  4. Baby Sister Committed Player

    Try changing the boots to spats style