Help with healing.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by StraySage, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. StraySage New Player

    Well I have not played a healer in months. Been thinking of making one since well the next power will most likely be a healer power and would like one before everyone makes one when the next dlc comes out (just a guess). Was leaning towards sorc healing since I did have a nature healer before and a elec one before. But as I said have not played any healing power in a while so I don't know what changed so was wondering if sorc is still any good and if anyone knows what they changed to it. Also when I am leveling should I bother with any healing power and what tree should I start off with(destiny or summoning), curious about that as well.
  2. Elysia Well-Known Player

    Sorc is as good as the other two.

    Best Loadout:
    Boon of Souls
    Soul Well
    Circle of Protection

    Reference:Former Sorc Healer
    • Like x 3
  3. StraySage New Player

    K thnx.
  4. Ryan Kirito New Player

    Pretty much that is the standard loadout for sorc the only problem i have with sorcery is it's one loadout thats it and its relatively press and forget.
  5. Humane Committed Player

    Exactly this.
    I have been playing my sorc for close to 2 years and can easily watch movies while doing raids while keeping my finger on the rejuvenate key.
  6. Echephyle New Player

    i see that as more of an advantage than a problen as you have leftover power points to use for other stuff. also keeps it simple so you can think of other stuff, like who is low on health, or how do we kill this boss
  7. Elysia Well-Known Player

    Which is why I switched...
  8. Ryan Kirito New Player

    Ya im not saying its the worse thing ever im just saying its not for me i prefer to be a more dynamic healer then a press and forget healer. I was originally electric which i loved and recently switched to nature though i had another char a sorcery healer and i couldnt really get into the playstyle. TBH i found myself falling asleep part way through the raids i was doing
  9. Mageara Well-Known Player

    Though that is the cookie cutter, sorcery has a TON of more active builds. I like it because of its versatility in PvE but especially in PvP. Before the nerf I was constantly pulling off 15k-20k crits from invocation when my rotation was stacked correctly, now I get regular 10k's :( Its very powerful, and to really use a lot of the different powers you need to time your heals correctly otherwise you waste power/miss your window of opportunity. For the most part, though, it is a passive healing power, which is awesome for trollers because you dont use up too much power and its easy to regenerate your own. But really, it depends on your play style.