Help me understand new PVP mechanics.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OMAAR, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. OMAAR New Player

    I am a casual PVP player. I am not very good at it but I used to have knowledge on how to hold my own especially in legends where gear was not a factor.

    My basic understanding was if someone is hitting you with a melee attack block and he falls down.

    If someone is constantly blocking you use a range attacked to block break.

    If someone is using a ranged attack on you, you lunge and knock him down.

    So lately it has been as follows: I am using melee attacks, my adversary blocks and I use my ranged attack. Instead of block breaking him/her down I get knocked down myself.
    I mainly use brawling and 1-hander at pvp so maybe t might be of poor weapon choice. Am I supposed to use a faster weapon?
  2. Zpred Dedicated Player

    PVP whats that? I thought it was BVB block vs block?... So this is how it goes... Hit block block block fall breakout block block block hit Break out block fall block.. An then if you feel that your not progressing anymore add a few more blocks in there to spice it up an do damage, an if it gets to much just go to PVE side an let the adds an bosses do the same thing that was happening in BVB lol. Just remember to add your 35% block finisher in your load out :)
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  3. junglejim New Player

    something fishys going on with the counters atm theres been times in the last few days were i know ive been block broken etc but not actually been knocked down or countered. i put it down to lag
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  4. dWI New Player

    id be willing to help you with pvp in game if you remove the "elitest and proud of it" from your signature for say 1 week. the only reason i was able to do the home turf content solo from the day i got cr70 was because i started with pvp so i had a full understanding of the int>break>block>int mechanic. up until the home turf missions there were only 1 preboss npc and the boss on that could use the triangle and they were the first to be taken out since even those without pvp experience knew they were the biggest threat. so only after home turf did pvp mechanics enter pve as seen by all the npcs accessing the triangle now. but due to it being high level content people cant just get a feel for it and succeed unless overgeared or understand the mechanics.
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  5. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    From my experience pvp is all about trinkets adds and clipping. I know nothing about pvp and I block break without actually block breaking lol this crap is all about clipping plain and simple if you clip better and or faster then you will probably win.
  6. Sky New Player

    Yes I saw this to it happen to me also
  7. OMAAR New Player

    If the elitist things bothers you I'll remove it :D

    I'm mainly having problems in legends. I usually play with brawling characters like Arkillo and Bane. I'm frustrated when facing fast characters like Batwoman.

    What I do I get knocked down!
  8. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    OMAAR, if you honestly want tips, I can probably assist this weekend, my friend.
  9. Phil Miller Committed Player

    OMAAR, when is the Hard Light Max DPS Guide for PvP coming out?
  10. Ixnay New Player

    quoting myself from another topic: " I just had 2 painful matches 1 vs 1 with the joker, lunge vs lunge = me on my ***, them blocking vs my BB = me on my ***, BB vs BB = me on my ***. In the 2 matches I had 1 'why did he fall down moment' (my BB knocked him down as he lunged me...) but was on the end of about 20 of them :("

    That was with me as Amon Sur btw.
  11. Cryotkj New Player

    Ha at least logistically this glitch makes sense. If your lunging through the air at someone and get hit in the face with a shield you're probably going down lol
  12. Mad9 New Player

    no bro, what you said is a perfect example of "N00B TALK". It may be helpful to clip and go fast on combos in certain situations and equally important to slow down your combos and avoid clipping in certain others. It's all about delivering a suited and measured response to your opponent's combat strategy and has got nothing to do with clipping better or faster.
  13. Ixnay New Player

    Hehe true enough, you'd think that big shiruken would decapitate someone lunging towards it :)
  14. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    It's really all about watching the combos and anticipating the last attack of the combo then doing the counter to that attack.

    If someone is doing melee attacks but does tap melee, tap melee, tap melee, hold range block breaker as their combo and then the person getting attacked blocks because they see their opponent doing melee attacks the last move of the combo being a BB will knock the person being attacked down and give the attacker immunity.

    If you see someone lunging at you and have fast enough reaction time then block immediately. Sometimes lag may still not knock the opponent down but in most scenarios if you time it right it works. Likewise if you see someone spamming a BB, a sustained attack (i.e. autofire with dual pisols, heat vision with legend kryptonians, etc.) then lunge them. This will knock them down and give you immunity.

    If you see someone block-rolling away then also lunging them will knock them down and give you immunity if you hit them while they are in the middle of the block roll.

    I hope that helps a little.
  15. Lokkii Committed Player

    you gotta be elite to be a Elitist
  16. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    It's about teamwork. Know your opponents but most of all, know your team, their capabilities, strengths and weaknesses.

    Pvp is much more deep and enriching compared to pve. I'm shocked at the amount of people that would rather pve.
  17. Savage Mind Committed Player

    PvP is butt. This game would be 100x better if they completely removed it from the game. Let the devs focus on pve content and not this.
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  18. KiLL ORDER New Player

    You troll Johnny Blaze on your sig??? Creepy yo
  19. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    There is nothing new about PVP mechanics, IT IS JUST LAG!

    It´s the same old story: Lunge, block, block-breaker...
    Put lag and everything is messed up.
  20. Devilman New Player

    I really hate that clipping is such a big deal. Personally, I feel like if you don't go through the animation of a move, you shouldn't get the damage from it.
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