Help for Controllers Looking for Advice on The Role

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Darth, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    To be honest, I haven't specced into Dom for a long time. Currently sitting at about 950ish with gear and 2 vit/dom exp in my blues. Realisticlly, the only thing I use my shield (Event Horizon) for is o-crap moments, either power wise, or pickup wise. And in Nexus/Wave.. with so much oneshot mechanics.. well... heh, shields are going to get eaten fast, despite the small dom difference.
  2. Darth Loyal Player

    Just to clarify, I have fully spec'ed my Vit and Cunning in my SP but when it comes to my Dom I only spec'ed the first tier. I wouldn't say I focus on Dom but as it is a troll attribute I feel like I should obviously have some skill points in it. Yes there is a noticeable difference between my Dom now and when I was T4. That being said, Dom is only one of 2 aspects that influence your shield's DMG absorption (the other being your Resto). It's always nice being able to pick a downed team mate up even though the boss in Nexus is standing on top of him and not having to worry.

    My shields are noticeable stronger now but this is not due to any SP change since I have had Dom fully spec'ed on the first tier since I was 80 SP. But, If you're really curious about changing specs there is no better way to figure out if it matches your place style than to try it out yourself. Like I said early, my only suggestion is to spec into the 15 points for Dom in the first tier of innates. I'd be interested to know what you think of it after trying it out.
  3. Darth Loyal Player

    There's the difference right there, my shields still last a few hits in Nexus. I've been told that some troll's shields get dropped after one hit while mine last much longer. I have never used my shield for an oh-crap moment. I use my personal shield when picking people up and when ninja future or primal batman decides to teleport/jump to me to come give me a hug.

    As for Event Horizon, I pop it when power is low, when I know the boss is about to drop a super and power is low or in Nexus when the last shield pops before the one shot so that the shield carriers do not get downed. Having shields that can withstand a few hits come in very handy in these situations as opposed to shields that only last for 1 hit. But, to each their own. Like I said earlier, everyone has their own play style. I find 15 SP in Dom worth being able to take an extra hit from Batman (or Lex).
  4. DEATHWING New Player

    I don't even use vit Dom in my blues, I go with vit health. When I go to spec, I take a Dom from first tier to get to my vit on second tier, but that's it. So specd like that and full t5 I am 960 Dom which is plenty for our shields. I recommend using extra sp in prec or the crit chances and mags. The problem I have with cc heavy trollers is: 1- mobs don't need to be debuffed & 2- our cc gives npcs immunity from a tanks control.
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  5. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Oh, don't get me wrong... Mine will easily last a few normal hits. As for being jumped by ninja, future, primal.. Block/roll away. 99% of the time, if I stopped to drop a dampener, that's a second or so that I'm standing between them and the tank. It's only when ninja has his little moments and lunges for 10k that he gets me. heh.

    It's all playstyle though really. I can't avoid taking damage at all, but I sure do work hard at taking the least possible in the first place, which, to an extent.. negates the usefulness of shields for me.
  6. neptunesBeard New Player

    Dying bread? LOL
    Thank you for that.

    I need advice for controlling too.
  7. Darth Loyal Player

    Yup, pretty much.
    What do you need advice with?
  8. neptunesBeard New Player

    How often should you throw pot and recharge and debuffs? I have a mental character and a HL character but don't really know how to use them for trolling.
  9. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    no your control effects will apply on all adds that can be controlled with the minimum requirement. You may want an extra 50-100 just to be safe and maybe control some of the larger adds. There will always be certain enemies that are immune to control effects. Any Dominance over the required amount is icing on the cake.

    Some people prefer to have more for the strength of they're shields(with restoration). It also plays a part in our heals(if your using the home turf bubble mod for instance).
  10. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    If your the troll with POT then it should always be up and you want to cast if it drops or if possible after the 4th time you see the blue(POT) numbers tick. This will give you the double ticks(2 POT ticks at once).

    Recharge should be thrown out at two instance's A)Whenever the group needs power most importantly the healer and tank. If the healer can't heal or the tank isn't drawing aggro the group will wipe. B) If your hit counter is to blue numbers and the team can take in power(no sense in dumping if they have full bars).

    Defense/Damage debuffs should be applied to mini bosses/bosses or whenever you feel, so long as the group still has power. You'll have to adjust to your group if your pugging(this applies to debuffs and recharge's). Sometime's you'll be in a group where you are throwing your debuffs at everything and other groups will use more power and you may have to conserve that for larger adds.

    Lastly your power supercharge should be used for those oh crap moments or if your just going to pump out a ton of power for you DPS to burn down the boss(coordinate with your team and if in a raid with the other troll).
  11. Darth Loyal Player

    I would like to make a small change to my OP. As of recently, I have been running the FoS and Summer Time trinkets to get a 240 and 246 VIT boost for 20 seconds once a minute. I have found that this increases your power out a lot since you have a much more consistent VIT boost.

    It is too bad that I don't have any use for my CC trinket now.
  12. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Cool didnt even realize flywheel did that
  13. Vivi New Player

    and learn to doublepot if your the main troll for the group. Theres a guide on oracles section on how to execute it, takes a lotta practice and awareness to doublepot, but your group will love you for it, especially in higher tier raids.
  14. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Only with the hometurf foot mod for inertial flywheel. Its definately nice to have when you stack it with blue level combo meter regen.
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  15. Darth Loyal Player

    Gotta learn and love all the ways to maximize power out. A double PoT with trinket, VIT exp soder and full crit chances and magnitude is a lot of power when you're hitting for 230 and 345 crit PoTs.
  16. ToneMD New Player

    So here's a question , oh great controllers: since we seem to get enough dom from our gear, would it be better to spend points in resto vs dom? They both count toward shields and better health regen should be a bonus, right? Right now i have enough point to get all the 3 point doms and restos if I don't dip into the 6 point vits.
  17. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    A little off-topic, has anyone tried if a healing debuff works on aquaman and ocean master in the summer event?
  18. Vivi New Player

    get all the 6 point vits first, before getting anything else. They add up to 54vit total if im not mistaken. with T5 gear, u got around 1k of dom without specing in the weapons tree, and its more than enuff, at least in my experience.
  19. Darth Loyal Player

    I believe it's actually 60 VIT for all the second tier VIT innates but that's not really a relevant difference. Personally I do agree that I would go for the 6 point VITs first. After getting all your 6 point VITs and 3 point VITs and Cunnings, you could either go for your 3 point DOMs and then dip into your 3 point Restos or go straight to your 3 point Restos to make your shields stronger. With the DOM mechanics the way they work now, I'm inclined to suggest you go straight for your 3 point Restos as long as you meet the DOM requirement for the content. Currently I still spec into my 3 point DOMs (probably because I like being able to CC the bosses in lower tier content that can be CC'ed).
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  20. Darth Loyal Player

    Not yet since I usually run DMG and armor debuffs but I'll throw my heal debuff on tonight and let you know what happens. He doesn't usually last long enough for it to matter but it sounds like a nice little experiment.
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