Helix Enterpise [US - Hero]

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by dresserball, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Enaio New Player

    Sorry I didn't see this sooner.

    My in-game name is "Dr Worcester".
  2. Ella Level 30

  3. Ya'dig New Player

    I'm interested in joining the league. IGN Ry Lo
  4. Ella Level 30

  5. Mortis Potentiam New Player

    In-game name: Mister Torgue (yes THAT Mister Torgue)
    -Faction: Hero
    -Server/Game System: USPS
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: CR 325 SP 542 SP
    -Power: Munitions...EXPLOSIONS!!! (Sponsored and Endorsed by The Torque Corporation)
    -Role: Troll (Preferred) DPS (When needed)
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes.....you may regret that, just sayin'
    -Legendary: Yes
    -18+?: Yes
    -About yourself: I recently returned to the game 3 months ago and started working on my toon again. I left when JLD was the top thing to do, been working on making a comeback ever since. I'm a west coast guy, so I play mostly in the time range of 9:00 pm PST - 4:00 am PST. I do get on during the day as well, usually between 1:00 pm PST - 5:00 PST. Just warning you up front...I have a very strong personality. I have a mouth, and it runs quite well....but always with good intentions I have no problem expressing my thoughts or opinions...and I am brutally honest. If I don't like you, I will tell you to your face "I don't like you, here are the reason(s) why, can we overcome this?" I just find being straight-forward is more efficient. I am EXTREMELY driven by feats and skill points....it's what I live for on this game. I do like to socialize, I have a quick tongue and a wicked sense of humor....I've been compared to Ryan Reynolds a lot....dunno why.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Looking for a league that isn't a bunch of wussbags that whine and complain when something is "too hard", or that focus on "other games" (like a certain Final Fantasy online game) instead of getting on and helping their league mates. Looking for a league that's not full of a bunch of divas more concerned with their style than how many feat points they have, or are more concerned with how their base is decorated rather than running content, getting feats, and making their toon stronger....thus making the league stronger as a whole. Looking for a league that can laugh and joke around and can endure my sense of humor and my personality....but when it's time to focus we all put our games faces on and take care of business. Looking for a league that isn't "clique based" with everyone in their own little circles, and who talk crap about each other behind each others backs. Finally, I'm looking for a league that is very active, especially evenings and late nights. Sooooooooo yeah.....call me.
  6. Ella Level 30

  7. Naughty Majin New Player

    Hello, I'm interested in joining your league. Who would be the best person to contact for the interview?
  8. Ella Level 30

    Sent you a direct message, Naughty, ty for you interest.
  9. Ranger New Player

    Hello, Im a returning player from a long long long break and im interested in joining!

    My ingame name is NerdRage311
  10. mynch457 Well-Known Player

    Im interested in talking with someone about joining.

    In game name is Molecule Prime
  11. Doctor Marvel New Player

    Interested in joining also.

    Ingame name: Dawk Knight
  12. Ella Level 30

    Hey Dawk Knight, thank you for your interest. I've added you to my friends list to find you in-game. You can look for Ellaryn, Mentana, and Zane Thanatos in-game. Any of us can do the short interview and invite you. Again thanks for your interest in Helix Enterprise.