Healers its happening again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tazzaxe, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Ebon Angel New Player

    I cared. That was the point.
  2. blklightning New Player

    I've felt that way for a little over a year now.
  3. Korlick Loyal Player

    Well...there is your answer.
    You were here to read all the threads.
    When the new forums came, the solo tank in raids and no tank in alerts had been happening for a long time and it was just a common thing. Devs didnt do anything when everyone was asking for a change so...everyone followed the flow. There was nothing else to do.

    Now...just to be clear, im not in favor of this no-healers or solo healing runs. I like to have them in my groups.
    What pisses me off is that when this same thing happened to the tank (specially fire) role, nobody cared. Tanks were the most unapreciated role of all. And now that is happening to the healers, everyone whines.
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  4. Tre Day New Player

    Good luck thinking that. :p

    The DPS stacking will never be gone, no matter how structured the content is. I mean, if the boss had less health and attacks that hit harder, some would try to burn enemies faster before those attacks fire off.

    The player-base itself has every opportunity to calm this kind of stuff down, but some are so determined on excluding people for their enjoyment than including roles as designed for everyone's enjoyment.

    I mean, the limit on damage by Healers and Tanks have been removed, and still exclusion exists.

    As long as people put a premium on DPS-stacking to burn the content faster rather than actually going balanced and every role be able to grow with teamwork and within their particular role, this stuff is going to keep happening.
  5. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    No, I wasnt whining, and you notice that I play both? I'm doing what I can to be as versatile as possible for league raids. If they need a tank, I can try that, if they need a troll np, and the heals are there. I'm just observing that heals are going to be excluded. I'm now looking at comments that say that SB goes faster if the healer goes dps for everything up to and sometimes including the last fight. I'm beginning to wonder if healers are gonna go extinct in the long run. We may be all hard pressed to find a good one.
  6. Black Prime New Player

    This is why some of us healers have gone hybrid. I know trollers are doing the same. The amount of damage we can do is almost about half of what a good dps can do. Can beat or come pretty close to crappy dps. Run into more crappy ones than good ones. More dps does not always mean more burn. Getting tired of solo healing and running 4 dps. 2 where they should be in damage. The other 2, well being carried. I think instead of losing healers or tanks people should start trying to play hybrid. Makes it more of a challege and fun.

    Got into a group for alert other day. They said, we dont need a tank. Both dps did not wait for troll and me. Both dead before we got there. They were crying keep up. By the end i had more damage than both. Sorry dps. You gonna have to prove you know what your doing before i run crap like that again. These were geared and exp players also.

    DPS, remember you have the easiest role in the game. Find a spot where you wont get touched and do rotations. I am fine with it if you know how to DPS. Those wearing gear and draining trolls, well you all can delete your accounts. I would say play your off role, but if you cant dps i would be scared to see them at their off role. :)
  7. Zerefu New Player

    I keep getting told I can't heal in Vestaments and when I switch that I can't DPS in Vestaments but when I'm top DPS and I refer them to my healing videos they act like it didn't happen lol
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    because the healing community is being extremely vocal about it while the tank community just kinda took it and kept quiet about it
  9. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Lol what bothers me about this post? I made a passable Tank, a decent Troll and a great Healer. For the life of me I havent found a DPS build I like.
  10. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    I was just in a raid, one of the FoSs, I forget which, but I joined shortly after it started and everyone was a dps, except for me and the other healer. I said it might go better if everyone wasn't a dps, but 2 people eventually changed after most of the way through, but almost immediately someone said I was assuming they had alternative gear, which doesn't matter since alt forms stop increasing dps output and increase the effects of the alt form.
  11. Black Prime New Player

  12. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i dunno.

    players always get the weirdest things stuck in their mind. creating imaginary enemies. guess it goes with the gaming territory.

    i've had zero trouble getting into any of the new content as a dps, troll or healer. i've done a few of the alerts without a healer, done a few without a tank, done most with the traditional set up, league runs, pugs. At the most Ive waited a couple of minutes to find a group.

    success always depends on your timing, tenacity and adaptability. We all tend to forget that we all have our own agendas, schedules and priorities. the game doesn't revolve around any one of us. progression is just as much about how you go about your business as it is relying on lucky raid drops.

    While we were still running the t2 and 3 raids healers were the hard to find class. I suspect the increased spike in restoration is the result of those days. i also remember times when being an ice or gadgets dps would get you booted from a group.

    i do agree the bosses in Halls of Power have way too much health and defense. Last night i started nodding off during a league run of necropolis and then jumped into the alert. by the time we got to mantis i was dozing off for minutes at a stretch. The devs need to be aware of this. Nerfing them the way the luthors were nerfed in nexus=bad idea...but it would have been nice if say there was a way to give the boss a major defense debuff every minute or so during the fight.Controllers would have to hit an "amplifier switch" which would increase their defense debuff from 7% to say 50% for a rotation, something like that...

    but really...trying to get into a group for new content? I can throw a stick out my window and hit a group thats looking for "insert role here".
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  13. winter13 New Player

    I find it funny that every time somebody posts a healer thread - positive or negative - the tank population always jumps in to say they were the first to be excluded or asked to change roles. There is no comparison...none...to what happened with tanks and what happened with healers when AF1 dropped. I never once got in a group prior to AF1 that would not take a tank. Even in Trigon there was always a tank in the pug groups I was in. There's a big difference between a handful of groups not being willing to take a tank into Trigon, BIA, or Fam and nearly every group purposely excluding healers from running TD. Let's keep it real here people, and stop exaggerating what happened to tanks - there really is no comparison.

    Come on man....
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  14. winter13 New Player

    I've shouted (in LFG) for quite a while as a healer trying to get into the new raids/ops and not had success. Part of that is due to the only needing 1 healer for anything mindset that dominates the game today. I got into a lockdown group yesterday and right off the bat a dps says "you have at least 6,000 resto right?". I knew that was a bad sign of things to come. The healer could have 1,000,000 resto and not be able to heal an tank that keeps rage crashing over and over again.
  15. GaeasRevenge New Player

    When I play my healer alts and the group ask me to switch I just switch DPS.
    I have no problem adapting to the group composition and switch to heal if necessary.
    What I do have a problem with is this solo healing the new T6 new content.
    I am tired of carrying the weaker DPS.....
    I would rather have 2 healer and a solid run, than to have wipes.
  16. Blue Spectrex New Player

    TBH Breach wouldn't be hard at all to run with no healer. Everything stays on the tank up until Mantis. Now Mantis you need to watch out for his fire and other aoe pull in move(IDK what it's called) but with SD, Healer barrels, Sidekicks and the role less buff all make it easily possible.
  17. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    I saw the no rage run, too, this morning, but I didn't see what it was for because the line got cut off from the text scrolling and I was in the middle of a raid.
  18. Chuccles New Player

    Considering we have armories now it shouldnt be any reason we still have to ask ppl to switch we need roles. i was just in a raid where we had 5 dps(myself included) but i switched to healer role to help. we needed another troll so we asked one of the other guys to switch. no response from anyone. smh
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  19. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    But this isnt a matter of need is it? They invite you as a healer, then want you to change to dps so they can go faster. Granted they may succeed either way. This is what has begun to happen again.
  20. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    My second most powerful heal involves a knockback that aggros everything within range. The higher my stats go, the more I aggro. I tend to also out aggro the tanks.