Having trouble posting

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by DynamiteGal, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. DynamiteGal Active Player

    Getting this error when I sent my posts and when I try to click on them and read them over.

    This site can’t be reached

    forums.station.sony.com’s server DNS address could not be found.

  2. DynamiteGal Active Player

    this post worked. but my post about error 0x0006 still isn't working. I hope you are able to read it/see it.
  3. DynamiteGal Active Player

    here's the other post. I'll try it here.

    I've been getting this error numerous times - on a daily basis. It's been happening since link dead disappeared. If I pick one character and stay on it the error doesn't occur. However, I have 8 toons that I actively play everyday. I run my vaults and an hour later from logging on the first toon- on the dot - I get disconnected with this error, regardless of which toon I happen to be on at the hour mark. :mad:

    This error has caused myself and my friends that are having the same error a lot of grief. We are losing out on groups, on feats, and many other things.

    Today alone for example: my friend and I ran the seasonal. I picked the toon that didn't have the full net feat yet. She also didn't have it. So we ran it for the feat. I was on team speak with her. We finished the instance. The scoreboard popped. I crashed. I tell her I got the hour crash. As I'm telling her, the feat popped for her character. We were both upset -even though she got the feat. She felt awful and we ran it again just for the feat, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place. Also odd in this scenario - most feats pop before or during the scoreboard. this feat is delayed. On the 2nd time, I got my feat and it was delayed after the scoreboard.

    My friend and I were on team speak and she knew I got disconnected. However 99% of the time, I'm in a pug group using the in game chat. I get disconnected with this error and they think I quit and I am replaced and lose the group I had.

    I mentioned this bug a long time ago in another thread with no response or help.

    How do I stop this disconnect error from happening?!?!?
  4. SteelMachineZero Well-Known Player

    They do this with any error post, Im having the same issue and cant stay logged in, error 0x0006 is what Im seeing also. I cant finish a mission with out getting kicked and see that error. As for why your post get locked or removed I think one of the Devs comes and locks these posts or something , If you post anything with Error 0000z0z0z0z it always seems to end up as
    forums.station.sony.com’s server DNS address could not be found.


    Its kind of like when they ask for feed back on for things on the test server unless your crawl in their bum raving how great it is,it gets deleted, if you say anything like, its a sloppy, hacked together mess it disappears . Childish
  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Putting the error code in the title breaks things. We are looking into the rise of 006.
  6. DynamiteGal Active Player

    I thank you very much for the response. I never knew that about posting it in the title. Now I know and will title it differently if I have something like it again. Thank you for looking into the error. Very much appreciated.
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Thanks Mepps. I and all my leaguemates have been regularly getting this error.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Just noticed this as well - the proper forum address is forums.daybreakgames.com - not station.sony.
  9. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    I see the forums trying to display a background with superman and lex, and quote box is screaming at me very loudly.

    Looks weird.
  10. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    The forums looks like it's equipped with a white aura lol.

    Someone needs to brush up on their HTML coding :)