Haunted Hotel Curtains

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Dreadwolf, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. Dreadwolf New Player

    Anyone else having issues with this piece not being able to place on the walls in your lair? Except for the really big ones ofcourse, but that makes it look silly..
    I've tried both Deco and Gothic walls.
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  2. Ebon Angel New Player

    I am having the same issue. They only go onto a large wall and they look really silly there. In fact, I have tried them in the Ancient, Tech, Industrial, Deco, Penthouse, every possible lair except sewer and cave. They only go on odd places on large wall, which make them almost totally useless.
  3. Necro Maat Well-Known Player

    In the Goth lair I was able to put it on one of the windows to the left of the door (if you just warped in). Have to purchase another one to see if two can go there.
  4. Mimeblaster New Player

    I'm having the same problem. Want to put these in a dive, but can't place them. VERY frustrating.