Has Sons of Trigon brought you back to the game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by impulse1, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. Liongale Dedicated Player

    Sons of Trigon brought two of my friends back to the game, because it was something that wasn't as grueling and time consuming as Origin Crisis. Also, SoT stopped me from finding another game. I really was so fed up with OC, but SoT turned out to be fun and playful and kept me going until they addressed some issues in OC.

    The best part about Sons of Trigon is I'm able to play with some of my friends who are not able to invest the time and effort needed to sit through the current raids, and that makes me happy.
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  2. Green Lantern New Player

    Yeah, man. That was just ridiculous. It took me so many runs. I grinded the full prideful set before I actually got my weapon to drop. The longer it took the more frustrated I got and it got to the point that I realized I'm going to have to do this random hope for the best drop type of stuff for the next advancement and I just didn't want any part of it. My sub was just about to renew anyway so I figured I'm better off canceling auto renew and moving onto a different game for a while. I'm planning on checking the game out next month on PS4 but until things change the truth is I probably won't be back in any serious capacity.
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  3. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Remove forum elitists from the equation and I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of players genuinely like this DLC. It is certainly growing boring faster than some other DLCs, but it was a nice release overall.
  4. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    pretty much sums it up.

    i'd also add it was obviously the perfect 'ALT catch up DLC', especially considering how hard it has been to maintain alts since home Turf came out.
    in that respect its been great timing considering the news of shared/ buyable SPs or whatever.

    Personally once i got my alt up to 98 last week and then finished Prideful and all the feats on my main its now gone completely stale for me this week.
    i went from having a good daily grind a week ago with the 2 toons to logging in the last few days, running the seasonal and logging off.
    pretty sure im dropping my sub when it expires next week, and waiting til the next dlc to pick it back up.
    plus... Battlefield 4 drops nex week, yay!
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  5. WorldsDown New Player

    Right there with you, sir. To be honest, I'm not even remotely interested in getting a PS4 at launch... I mean, if I win one from a $5 box at Taco Bell, then cool... but if not, I'm just not feeling it.

    Unless of course, I catch wind of an Uncharted 4 or GTAV release date for the PS4 - then you can color me seriously interested. ;)