has crit rate been lowered?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by martinceld, May 1, 2013.

  1. martinceld New Player

    I'm a sorc healer with full crit healing stats and i noticed lately that i hardly do crtis with rejuv anymore whereas before they would crit left and right. i saw someone comment on a thread about the removal of the crit bubbles saying that another reason for removing the bubbles was so people wouldn't notice that crit rate was lowered. anyone else feeling this crit rate nerf?
  2. Vamsi New Player

    I rarely see any crits now, but that's not the whole problem. Even when I crit, I crit very low for my hardest hit.. thats what worries me most.
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  3. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I haven't noticed a drop in crits but the lack of giant spiky bubbles is upsetting. But I still feel like I crit just as much as before the update both heal and dps.
  4. details26 Committed Player

  5. Sumeric New Player

    I haven't felt any difference in my healing performance. If I were to venture to guess, its mostly a perception issue. Before, when healing I'd see "crit" constantly, even when the heal wasn't that relatively large (like an 800-1200, for example). Now I'm throwing around nearly 2000's on the regular, and don't really notice the word until I see an execptionally large heal.

    If anything, it was probably an attempt to clean up the visual clutter during group content.