Has anyone had a problem with Base items disappearing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BahamutMugendai, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. BahamutMugendai New Player

    I've been noticing some of my items are just have disappeared from existence

    maybe a month ago it was just something simple, a danger sign that was pretty cheap but i only had one which i placed over my generator, its not in my list of items i collected anymore

    Now i seem to have lost an aquarium, a large optimized table and a few military gun lockers
  2. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    Damn, unfortunately all my stuff is still in my inventory.
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  3. Zzzap New Player

    Yes! I have lost my Broker Station... damn!
  4. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    I had 3 things go missing quite some time ago when I relocated my base. I submitted a ticket and got the items returned to me. Later I discovered that 3 of my other items had been duplicated (I now had 2 copies of things I only had 1 of), I think in the course of relocation the 3 things got magically transformed into other items. The DCUO moving company must use Sorcery to move our stuff...
  5. LIVETASER New Player

    I came in one day 2 weeks ago and my 200 max decorated base was reduced to 37 so I chose not to decorate again.