Hard Light

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AverageJoe, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    I mentioned light claw not hitting but if you are in melee range you will get the tick... if you are further away from the target it won't register.... but they ignored this and many other things...
  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    If I use Light Claw from the tray no issue. If I go into Light claw from a range move it does not register, if I am more than 1M away from the target and 2-3M is literally next to the target. That is an issue. Boxing has the same issue.
  3. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    I reported it before this update... anyways glad I'm not playing HL don't have to worry about these minor things lol
  4. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    May I ask why you didn't like jump cancel/Phantom triangle? I was hardlight since I got the free respec token back in fight for the light. I have never seen of, or heard of, a player being banned for jump cancel/Phantom triangle.

    The days when hardlight was faster, more in depth, and not some slow, unbelievably terrible power, were the days of hardlight. How does one not like the jump cancel/Phantom triangle days? They were the best! The power was tough to use, required thought and fast hands. It had a MASSIVE skill gap and learning curve. Is that why you didn't like it? Too hard?
  5. Delta796th Loyal Player

    To each his/her own
    I used to love the furious and fast paced HL pre GU36. I remember spending so much time on the sparring targets till my hands were aching. BUT to be honest, I never enjoyed the visual (or lack of) because of all the clipping and rather do enjoy seeing the animations.

    Also, at least now you have options as far as loadout and rotation...back then you didn't
  6. OANGL Well-Known Player

  7. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    Where do you have options? Like at all? You need one power on your loadout if you're doing range, and one if you're doing mele, you can't spec into both at the same time, inspiration has now become useless, same with chompers. Basically it's play they way the devs want and that's it. Only 2 combo's do max damage, to say you have "Options" is rediculous. If you want to stay competitive you have 0 options. To boot, you have to have armories to switch between mele and range.

    My hands can't move slow enough to let a construct play out, it's dreadfully boring and slow. Not to mention that the range and 7 meter combo's are no where close to keeping up with my other main who is Atomic. My atomic has a steady 76k average DPS. my hardlight is averaging 37k. They are within 1 cr of each other, that's terrible.

    Back in the day you could fit mele and range into it, you could do whatever the hell you wanted to do and be competitive. If you wanted to surpass people than ya, fan snap fan Phantom was the way to go, none the less players had options.

    No more options. Hell you can't even spec into the tree properly to get everything. You're limited to a single mele and single ranged combo, you have to let an animation play out inside of a construct combo. That one second slow down delay is still there.

    Honestly, I would have been happy if they just removed the 1 second power delay, and made hardlight fast again. Let players have the option to clip or not, remove the restrictions. Other powers have clipping built into their mechanics, yet hardlight is getting the shaft. They are trying so hard to remove every aspect of fun from hardlight that it's rediculous.

    The testing thread was an easy 10:1 on people that liked clipping apposed to those that didn't. I want the option, I want many options, not just some cookie cutter loadout.
  8. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Really... When exactly did you do anything besides RSF phantom triangle? There was one clearly superior rotation and you did it till your fingers cramped. You even admitted as such Once you settled into your spot, YOU STAYED THERE. You moved only you were taking too much damage for a healer to get you thru and continued.

    Granted today you have very few options should you want to max damage ^^^^ See above RSF
    Maximum damage can be done in 2 ways Fan > Claw > HClaw > LS infinite combo when you can / Or Fan > Impact > LB infinite
    To be fair you can even move into one or the other should the opportunity present itself.

    We are not talking having super duper 10x differnt rotations, but back in the day you had exactly RSF (or variant)
    Again I liked old school clipping, but time to let it go man...It's dead and isn't coming back.

    The funny thing is most of us old school clippers HATED the idea of Insp. It was a stupid idea, that was implemented even worse
    Tunso even admitted it. No need to spec into it or use it...But yes you can still use PI applicator and it WILL result in 2 things:

    1) It adds a PI which increases strength of power fan for first rotation..so why wouldn't you use it?
    2) It puts you into combat which reduces base time from 4-1.5 seconds to get into AM for maximum damage.

    I get you don't like it...hell I don't love it, but it's better than it was for a LONG time.
  9. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    Ram snap fan (iconic and rarely used, I never used it)
    Snap fan Phantom
    Grasp fan Phantom
    Snap fan Phantom fan Phantom
    Ram whip snap fan phantom
    Claw hard claw ram whip snap fan Phantom
    Fan Phantom snap fan Phantom fan Phantom
    Claw hard claw ram whip, ram whip, snap fan Phantom
    Ram whip, ram whip fan Phantom Snap fan Phantom

    That's just off the top of my head, and I know for sure there are a ton more that I used. RSF was the lowest of the low, I never, ever, used it unless I was running low on power, which barely ever happened.

    To say that hardlight today has more options is ludicrous. RSF WAS low damage, if that's what you think hardlight was than frankly you weren't a hardlight player.
  10. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    If I sat there and figured it out, I could give you a list of at least 50 combo's to be used pre GU36. None of which would even mention RSF as that's the lowest damage possible. You want to talk about getting in your comfort zone? I switched combo's so frequently depending on the situation that it was insane. Today you have 2 options. Tell me, right now, after me giving you a list of a SMALL FRACTION OF old hardlight combo's, how today's combo's have more options? Because clearly you never played hardlight, and you are lying. I can tell.
  11. Delta796th Loyal Player

    So a total of 6 separate powers? I was also going for general players rotations....
    Listen I agree, it's slow VERY slow and I do miss the old way my main toon was HL the day it was released.

    Either way it was a few set powers that you used, but that's the same as it is today just back then it was faster. I honestly don't think the Devs could actually redo HL back to that even if they wanted to. It would likely be so weak or more likely so OP the rest of powersets players would scream bloody murder.

    This whole balance initiative which while needed has fundamentally changed all the powers. In the end what you are describing isn't much different today as it was then...its just that back then it was so much faster.
  12. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    Back then I could use one power in 50 different types of combo's for various different situations. You're argument is invalid. It's not the same lol. You have one mele rotation, and one ranged rotation. Back in the day I had probably 20 mele rotations and 30 ranged rotations. Do you see where I'm going with this?

    It would be easy to bring it back. Alow jump cancel, remove the one second delay, add a power back mechanic's, bring the damage in line with the rest of the powers. That's what they are doing with EVERY POWER. it's simple. For those that want hardlight this way (new players) they can have it, just add a second AM like atomic. In my opinion, every power should have 2 AM'S. The easy am for noobs, and the vet AM for people that want the fun back with the powers. Atomic is probably the closest power to old hardlight, it has clipping jump cancel Phantom triangle, so if atomic can do it, why can't hardlight?
  13. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Did not read through the thread completely.

    Question, Are there any new rotations or are they still all the same for range and punch you in the nose?

    Haven't had a chance to knock the cobwebs off my HL toon yet....

  14. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    Combo's are the exact same. It sucks.
  15. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    This just clicked, every power uses 6 powers? Right? Or am I mistaken?

    So new hardlight uses 2 powers, old hardlight used 6.

    Old hardlight 50 combo's, new hardlight 2

    Old hardlight fast, new hardlight slow

    Old hardlight jump cancel/clip/Phantom new hardlight gets punished for trying.

    Old hardlight, had the ability to be top DPS. New hardlight does not.

    Old hardlight, players could customize their loadout and use tons of different combo's. New hardlight cannot.

    Where are the similar in the slightest? And how can one even justify the changes to hardlight since GU36? You can't.
  16. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Of all combos you used 2. A multi target or a single target nothing has changed but speed or clipping
    I already said I missed the old school speed, I'm just not as thick as you are apparently and still hoping that it will come back.

    You can whine and moan all you want, but it's gone...time.to move on.
    • Like x 1
  17. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    You likey?

    • Like x 1
  18. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    Lol funny vid. And no likey
  19. inferno Loyal Player

    Played with it a little last night. From the numbers I saw on my fairly weak toon ( 4300prec, 152 cr on lair dummy) , entrap's combo of the baseball bat was most capable of dealing the highest damage - 70k per crit hit. Chainsaw's combo hits 2nd highest at 40k per crit hit. My old range rotation's highest is around 17k per crit hit.

    My friend trolled the new alert and compared to my damage as a healer which was the usual and expected 300 to 400k, his' was around 2 million, almost the damage out of a weak dps; lol. Hopefully, HL is the start of the trend.

    On paper, in a perfect setting or on dummy's you would think entrap and chainsaw is a no-brainer to use if you want max damage.
    However, in battle, with counters and lunges and interruptions I think versatility with your attack combos, switching from range to melle, will be the best solution.
  20. Avianger Active Player

    My toon was a CR 56 hero with hand blasters. I stayed at range most of the time. My old combo allowed me to hit hard at range and keep them there for a while. When they did get into melee range, It was an easy kill cause I already them worn down with all my ranged powers. After this update, my damage was crap on my ranged powers, the stun and stall effects weren't nearly as effective as before, and I could only chain once or twice at best. I tried running a t2 solo mission which normally I could breeze through before the upgrade, but kept dying. As I said before in my other post, I got fed up with it and deleted the toon.