Happy Holidays from SOE!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dexella, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. KrimsonScourge New Player

    I was just pointing out they don't have to be spent, they have other uses.
  2. Captain Test Man Active Player

    Thank you to everyone at Sony Online Entertainment for a great year. So many great things this year:
    1. Weapon Mastery.
    2. Armories.
    3. Survival Mode.
    4. Tier 6 gear and new content.
    5. Rage powers and the new powers I hear rumors of (Atomic, Injection, Munitions).
    6. Skimming and the new changes to movement modes planned for the future.
    7. League Halls.
    8. New auras.
    9. Irish pub base items and all the new base items.
    There is too much to even list. Thanks again and great fortunes to everyone at SOE for 2015.