Hand Blaster - Pulse Beam no longer clippable

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Twisted Titan, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    I notice that you can only jump cancel out of pulse beam now. This is an issue if I can no longer clip it with my power (like Physic Empowerment). You also can no longer control the duration and while I do know it was in the patch notes I think it should be at the least clippable with your power to be effective.
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  2. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    I've noticed this as well and better be a bug. As you are basically turned into a sitting duck, being stuck inside of the animation window for the remainder of the attack duration.

    From patch notes GU25:
    ยทHand Blaster
    oFist Slam: Now applies pushback if the player has 1000 or more Supercharge.
    oSolar Flare: Adjusted button input timing to improve feel and prevent unintentional activation of subsequent abilities.
    oObjects will no longer count against non-object AOE target limits on Meteor Blast.
    oSolar Flame now damages enemies in an area around the target.
    oCharged Blast now damages enemies in an area around the target.
  3. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    Nice to know that I wasn't the only one that caught this. I had to switch to bow (which I haven't used in a few months) just because I couldn't clip hand blasters.
  4. Solarstar New Player

    You can clip both the Melee and Ranged attacks of Hand Blasters.

    Pulse Beam has always made you a sitting duck, but if you're not able to jump cancel or just cancel it altogether... then it is a serious issue the devs need to look at.

    In most cases if you're clipping Meteor Blast and Solar Flare... the timing needs to be right because you will need that full charged blast from Charged Blast.

    Remember, Hand Blasters is the slowest of the weapons because of Charged Blast, and the new AoE capabilities is a step in the right direction to make it viable for PvE DPS.
  5. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    I'm just talking about pulse beam. You could always clip that with a power before. You can't do that anymore as with hit for X14 unless you are interrupted. Before you could clip it at any point during the combo.
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  6. Madholm New Player

    It's a bug confirmed by a GM on the test server.

    You can jump cancel it still, but it's bugged in that the continual hold isn't working as intended.
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  7. Twisted Titan Committed Player

  8. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    When I use pulse beam I only use a fraction of it before I trigger insta-power. This bug REALLY needs to be addressed because peeps that use HB are vulnerable when activating that combo.