Had to cancel my account

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by travelingtheory, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. travelingtheory Well-Known Player

    Any other fun f2p games out there?
  2. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Which platform? Depending on what you look for, I may be of assistance.
  3. travelingtheory Well-Known Player

    PC my friend. Critical error cant be fixed, even tech support bowed out after i tried everything short of a format HD that might not work. They think it might be a network setting or something i cant find.

    Point is i cant find it. I wouldnt say you have to limit to RPGs that run on potato computers, i like space combat, ive always wondered if world of warships is any good etc? But they are all cash sinks of course. This game i could play, catch two lvls feel like I did something learned something new and i didnt have to grind CR if i played alts.

    Its just how i played for fun as Ive gotten too sick to play for long periods now.
  4. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Warframe, and it’s literally free to play
  5. Swamarian Committed Player

    Warframe is a 4 person looter-shooter. If you decide to play, spend your starting platinum on weapon/warframe slots. There is a space component called Railjack. It's spaceships with a 4 man crew. Positions are pilot, 2 gunner, engineer/torpedo/cannoneer. (Yes, you can fire a teammate onto other ships to take out their crew.)

    There's also Star Trek Online. Spaceship combat's fun and the ground game's OK. There's an extensive cash ship, but it's not necessary. (You can also grind dilithium to zen, for use in the cash shop. People have bought fairly expensive bundles that way.) Episodes are single player and the queues are 5 or 10 player. There are a ton of episodes an each season is a story line.
  6. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    I'd recommend buying a game because the free to play genre is becoming a lie, more so free to try or free to breath. Steam has a sale going on now and if you don't like it within 2 hours of game time you can return it for a full refund.
  7. travelingtheory Well-Known Player

    I stopped my cr grind when i got very ill. after that i was playing this for fun. Had many alts, many hours wasted.