Gunslinger Treach Coat Visual glitch.

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Bakhand of Death, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Bakhand of Death Level 30

    This is glitch has been around a while its not to important but should be looked at. When u equip the Gunslinger chest your waist is not visable to us the player but everyone else can see it on us. Gunslingers favorite amongst many
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  2. Mr Extraordinaire New Player

    Gunslinger trench coat -> Tech Ninja Pants -> Acrobatic movement = Pants graphics clip through coat graphics from behind.
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  3. Bakhand of Death Level 30

    Actually Gunslinger and Treach coat are both the same, we cant see the belt we have equipped
  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I hate this bug.

    But I also wanna know: Where can I get this style now for my new toon? Is it a vault drop as well now? It hasn't been mentioned anywhere...
  5. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    This issue persists on all trench coat styles. Classic duster, gunslinger, detective, split personality & trench.
  6. The Shadow New Player

    I am with LadyLightning. I wanted to get this style for my new villain, but now it seems to have disappeared completely. I wish someone address the disappearance, or if it's still somewhere I wish someone would point out where it is now and what has to be done to get it. I hope it's not a vault drop now. My luck there is horrible lately.